Agenda item

3/20/0178/FUL - Single storey extension to south-west elevation and alterations to ramp and railings at Verwood Library, 1 Manor Road, Verwood

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.


The Committee considered an application 3/20/0178/FUL - single storey extension to south-west elevation and alterations to steps and railings at Verwood Library, 1 Manor Road, Verwood which was designed to provide a new staff and accessible toilet. Doing this would enable the library’s toilet facility to be more accessible to those working at and visiting the library and comply with the necessary statutory regulations relating to this. Whilst reference had been made for a ramp to be constructed for access purposes, officers confirmed that this was not he case and never formed part of the proposals of the formal, with the steps being considered satisfactory to serve the purpose of access.



With the aid of a visual presentation, officers explained what the main

proposals and planning issues of the development were; how these were to

take place; why they were necessary; and what the benefits of the

development entailed. Plans and photographs provided an illustration of the

location, dimensions and configuration of the library, its setting within Verwood; how the new extension and access arrangements would look and where the steps would be; the materials to be used and the reasons for why it was to be orientated in the way proposed. Officers showed its relationship with neighbouring property and amenity, including the united reformed Church, with the characteristics of the site being shown too.


Whilst the proposed extension, new steps and its associated railings would be

visible from the public realm, due to its modest scale and form it was considered that this would have a very limited impact on the appearance in the wider sense. Whilst the extension would bring the building closer to the

side/south-western boundary by approximately 1.2m, no new windows were necessary, with the existing external window being replaced with an internal door for access to the new toilet. And as such the separation distance was not considered to be harmful. Moreover, this part of the library already accommodated a toilet so there was no change of use, merely an increase in size. Accordingly, it was considered to be acceptable as there was no significant harm to neighbouring residential amenity.


Having assessed the material considerations - as outlined within the report – with the proposal considered to accord with policy HE2 of the Local Plan,

officers considered there not to be any matters which would warrant a refusal of planning permission in this case and the Committee’s approval was now being sought, subject to conditions. Given that the application was made by Dorset council, the need for Committee consideration gave it credibility and ensured transparency of the decision making process.


Formal consultation had not met with any formal objections, Verwood Town Council included.


The opportunity was given for members to ask questions of the presentation

and what they had heard. However, whilst the relevance of the ramp mentioned was not part of what the Committee were being asked to consider, some members asked why this could not be the case, considering that a ramp would be beneficial for those less able to use steps.  Officers confirmed that in any event there would not be room to accommodate these and there were already sufficient means of access throughout the library that were accessible for all, which were wholly DDA compliant. Moreover the steps were predominantly for staff access, with there being alternative public toilets available in the nearby vicinity.


The Committee understood the need for the extension and saw it as a valued public asset and recognised what the benefits of this would be to the library overall. Whilst some members maintained their reservations about there not being a ramp and asked if some further consideration could be given to this if practicable, officers reaffirmed that the ability to accommodate these could well prove prohibitive.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, having

understood what was being proposed and the reasoning for this; having taken

into account the officer’s report and what they had heard at the meeting and the position of the Town Council, the Committee were satisfied in their understanding of what the proposal entailed and, on that basis – being proposed by Councillor Bartlett and seconded by Councillor Cook - on being put to the vote – the Committee agreed, unanimously, that the application should be approved, subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report.



That planning permission be grated for application 3/20/0178/FUL subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 12 of the officer’s report.


Reasons for Decision

• public benefit by creating an accessible toilet at the library.

• sustainable location

• acceptable design and general visual impact.

• no significant harm to neighbouring residential amenity

• scale, layout, design and landscaping respects the context of the site

• no material considerations which would warrant refusal of this application.

Supporting documents: