To consider a update report from the Leader of the Council.
(a) That the continued COVID-19 emergency
response in relation to the organisational reset and planned incident recovery
be noted;
(b) That
a review of the Dorset Council Plan is considered in light of the
organisational reset and recovery;
(c) That
the report be referred to the next meeting of Resources Scrutiny Committee for
Reason for Recommendation: To ensure that Cabinet is aware of the impact of COVID-19 on Dorset’s vulnerable communities and responds accordingly.
In presenting the report relating the Council’s
response the Covid-19, the Chairman
suggested that the Resources Scrutiny Committee may wish to post-scrutinise the
update following this meeting. He advised members that an amended version of
the report had been circulated as there had been a minor typing mistake at 9.27
of the report.
The Chairman reported that Dorset had experienced a
very low number of cases and fatalities. However as of 4 June 2020 (date report
was written) there had sadly been 279 deaths in the area (including care
homes). He expressed his sympathy for the families who had lost loved ones.
The Chairman invited the Cabinet portfolio holders
to address members on work being carried out in their respective areas of
responsibility in relation to the Covid-19 response and update on the emerging
arrangement for future planning.
The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care &
Health reported that the council had worked closely with Public Health to develop
the test and track programme. She also referred to the council’s
responsibility, in partnership with Public Health and other local
councils, to develop a Local Outbreak
Management Plan. This plan set out what the council would do to identify and
control any local outbreak in the council’s areas. The Health and Well-Being
Board would be supporting this work to give assurance that local services could
manage any future outbreak and provide the best possible protection to local
The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and
Health also reported on the importance of recovery and the health & care
system. The need to look back and learn from how the council responded to the
pandemic and in particular to focus on work with care homes across the system
and learn valuable lessons.
In respect of local interventions, on 14 May 2020 all local authorities received a request from the
Minister of State for Care to provide assurances regarding local interventions
to support residential care homes. The Council was ensuring that all care
settings were supported through the crisis. She further advised that shielding
work continued and outlined the work around the distribution of PPE in the
local area.
The Portfolio Holder for Education and Early
Years reported that schools had remained open throughout the pandemic in
cluster formation for the benefit of key workers and vulnerable children. Lesson plans were delivered to children working
from home. Most early years provision had reopened from early June with the Council’s
support and provision of advice at appropriate.
The Council was also working with school
leaderships to support the provision of school meals and pastoral care. He
continued that some secondary school year groups were receiving face-to-face
teaching and he took this opportunity to
advise that the Council had continued to focus on safeguarding.
It was also noted, as anticipated, that the
number of children in care during the pandemic had increased and this reflected
a nationwide pattern.
The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and
Environment highlighted that the above average warmer weather had caused issues
with overcrowding on beaches and impacted car parks. Some people had failed to follow the
governments guidelines and this had put pressure on the local authority and
other responding services. The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth and Skills
reported on the business discretionary grants that had been distributed to
local small businesses in recent weeks.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and
Assets set out the current financial situation following the impact of the pandemic.
He highlighted that the Council’s budget gap was 60 million pounds with the
amount received from central government to date set at 21.1 million. He confirmed that members continued to lobby
strongly to seek more financial support from central government.
The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development
and Change advised that national guidance was being followed in respect of the
recovery plan following a major event such as a pandemic. The recovery process
would be led by the Local Resilience Forum and a recovery strategic plan
providing a framework for recovery across Dorset had been established. He further reported on the work of the
Recovery and Reset Executive Advisory Panel that was addressing issues around
the recovery for the organisation and its employees.
In reply to a question regarding the detail and
timescales of issuing a section 114 notice, the Portfolio Holder for Finance,
Commercial and Assets advised that a detailed response would be circulated to
all members following the meeting.
In response to a question regarding Pop-up cycle
lanes, the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment advised that
he would respond to this question in writing following the meeting.
A question was also asked about the provision of
a hard copy information sheet in respect of Covid-19 to be circulated to
residents in Dorset. The Leader of the
Council confirmed that he would seek further advise from the Communications
team and get back to all members with a response.
In response to concerns about GDPR, the
Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care & Health confirmed that it was
important that the voluntary sector had all of the data available to them to
carry out their service. She continued
that it wasn’t possible to be 100% confident that all those who needed support
were being reached, but she was confident that the service had 100% tried and
would continue to do so.
(a) That the continued COVID-19 emergency
response in relation to the organisational reset and planned incident recovery
be noted;
(b) That
a review of the Dorset Council Plan is considered in light of the organisational
reset and recovery;
(c) That
the report be referred to the next meeting of Resources Scrutiny Committee for
Reason for Recommendation: To ensure that Cabinet is aware of the impact of COVID-19 on Dorset’s vulnerable communities and responds accordingly.
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