To consider a report by the Head of Planning.
The Planning Officer introduced the application to erect a replacement
dwelling and retain 3 No. parking spaces.
This application followed a previous application which had been refused and was then dismissed at appeal. This revised scheme now proposed a 2 storey element but with a reduction in width and was set back further from the edge of the field. The Planning Officer highlighted a full landscaping plan which was also available on the website
The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that there was no objection from highways as the application was a like for like replacement dwelling.
A statement from the applicant was read out at the meeting and is attached to these minutes.
Local Members for Gillingham
Cllr Val Pothecary made reference to the objections and noted that there seemed to be some confusion of existing farmhouse in comparison with the new development. The Planning Officer explained that the 50% increase was not a policy requirement but assists in the assessment of the application, this was not a key policy requirement. The Inspector in the appeal decision advised that the outbuilding could be deemed part of the dwelling. Following a question about whether the enclosed covered balcony had been included in the calculations, the Planning Officer advised it had not, only the external habitable floor space was calculated. Cllr Pothecary felt that any large building on the ridgeline was bound to be controversial and feared there would be light pollution. Her main in concern was the increase in scale on the existing farmhouse and was unable to support application.
Cllr Belinda Ridout noted that this proposed dwelling was in a very elevated position overlooking the Stour Valley and was a contemporary design which would not suit everyone. She had a few concerns:
Members comments and questions:
Cllr David Taylor asked where the balcony would look over to and that it could be rather imposing if it looked over the village. The Planning Officer advised that the views were looking over the valley and the roof would overhang. The property was a significant distance from the village and was not looming over any other properties.
Cllr Matt Hall made reference to the trees listed in the landscape plan and was concerned they were not the appropriate types and that there were better alternatives that could be used. He felt the whole application seemed to be about blending the building in using the planting. The Planning Officer advised that the Tree Officer had been consulted on the mix of species and supported the proposal. Cllr Hall felt that any tree planting must be of a minimum size when planted to ensure coverage. The Planning Officer undertook to look to amend the condition to address this. The Area Manager added that Condition 5 supplied the exact landscaping element and species could perhaps be dealt with by conditions. A paragraph could be added to say all planting shall be ….. and then specify the size, minimum of 3 metres. The number of years was part of the maintenance condition and could be extended to 15 years.
Cllr Bill Pipe felt that this was a right and proper application and members’ should move to the vote. He was not convinced the Committee should be putting stipulations on planning applications with regard to the height of trees.
Cllr Carole Jones was very pleased with the design but despaired of people who were afraid of a contemporary new look. She also felt the owner’s views should not be obstructed.
Cllr Jon Andrews, feel contemporary plan complements the views and would like to approve the application.
Cllr Tim Cook, supported the proposals submitted. He felt the view should not be obstructed for the householders and that members needed to be bold in allowing this type of development.
Following discussion and confirmation of the amendments members wished to make to the Conditions, the proposal with amended Conditions was put to the vote:-
The proposal to include the amended conditions was carried, 6 members for and 4 members against.
Proposed: Cllr Ridout
Seconded: Cllr Andrews
That the application be approved subject to the amended conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes.
Supporting documents: