Agenda item

WP/19/00273/RES - Curtis Fields (Phase 2b) Land South of Chickerell Road, Weymouth

Application for approval of reserved matters for Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale of outline application WP/14/00777/OUT.


The Committee considered an application for approval of reserved matters for Access, Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale of outline application WP/14/00777/OUT.


The Committee received a presentation by the Planning Officer for the reserve matters application for 99 dwellings that included an extract from the masterplan showing the general location of phase 2b, a plan showing areas where there were substantial changes in level, generally rising north to south;  some of the many elevational drawings and plans for the houses, full lists of which had been included in the report and update sheet; a landscape plan showing a retained and enhanced Cockles Lane and  photos of phase one homes to indicate the general style that would be continued throughout the development; and views across the site from different perspectives.


The appropriate assessment had been attached as an appendix to the report and was the result of an objection by Natural England in relation to the recreational impact on the special area of conservation zone of Chesil beach and the Fleet area who confirmed that there could be significant impacts if no mitigation measures were employed.  These measures had recently been approved by the Dorset Council Cabinet and Natural England had no further objection.


The main planning issues were highlighted including:-


  • Relationship with approved master plan
  • Design and layout
  • Appropriate assessment
  • Drainage and flood risk mitigation - significant mitigation works had been incorporated in phase 1 of the development
  • Roads and access
  • Landscaping and Cockles Lane
  • Neighbouring amenity
  • Biodiversity
  • 30% Affordable housing - 27 out of 99 homes in phase 2b was slightly below this requirement with the shortfall being accommodated within later phases of the development.


An update sheet circulated to members prior to the meeting included the replacement of Condition 1 and an additional condition to ensure that a safety audit was undertaken to ensure boundary treatments were suitable and a safe area for use.


Representations from Cllr Lucy Hamilton, Weymouth Town Council Chairman of Planning and the Agent were read out by the Technical Officer at the meeting and are attached to these minutes.


In response to the comments made in the written representations, the Planning Officer explained that there was an expectation that the full 30% affordable housing allocation would be fully met in the two later phases of the development that were still under consideration.

The Biodiversity Mitigation Plan remained to be discharged as indicated in the update sheet.  This was currently central to discussions and no development could take place until that condition was discharged.


Members asked about the ways in which this development could affect Chesil beach and the Fleet and were informed that this related to increased recreational pressure on interests on Chesil Beach due to residents from the development being in close proximity to the area.  This included breeding birds that were affected by visitor numbers and a potential impact on air quality due to the new traffic generated by the development.  These were matters that had been dealt with in the appropriate assessment.


Members were concerned about the phasing in terms of meeting the affordable housing requirement.  They were advised that the remaining Curtis Fields development was comprised of 3 reserved matters applications, one of which was this application.  The Planning Officer assured the Committee that although phase 2b was short by 2.7 affordable dwellings, that this shortfall would be added to another phase and that officers would continue to check compliance with the 30% affordable housing provision.


Cllr Wheller expressed concerns in relation to biodiversity and the protection of animals and plant species in the area including deer, badgers, bats, crab apples and elderberries, noting that very old trees had already been lost as a result of development on the site; the safety measures with regard to the balancing ponds and the creation of cycle paths in order to provide an alternative safe cycling route to Lanehouse Rocks Road from the Westham area through the estate.


The Planning Officer advised that the major part of the pond and flood risk areas had already been built within phase 1, notwithstanding this, the update sheet contained an additional condition concerned with the safety issue.  Although there would always be a degree of risk there was a need to ensure the applicant knew of the risks and mitigation. He assured members that officers were in discussion with the applicant and their specialists with regard to biodiversity and that officers would keep an eye on this. The development was being constructed using normal quality of residential estate roads that should be suitable for cyclists despite the changes in level not being conducive to cycling.


Cllr Jean Dunseith stated that she was pleased that Cockles Lane would be enhanced but she remained concerned with flooding in the sloping site.  She was aware of flooding in Ludlow Road which was adjacent to phase 1 and that building on this slope could make matters worse due to the amount of water, despite the mitigating factors. She further commented that a junction with Lanehouse Rocks Road meant that the estate could be used as a rat run to Chickerell Road, however, she recognised that this phase did not include that junction but this was a consideration.


The Highways Officer confirmed that there was a shared cycle and pedestrian linkage of 3 metres width that ran through the site following Cockles Lane and that the roads in the development were sufficient for all highways users.


A further question was asked about the diversion of footpath 130 that was directly affected by the development.


The Committee was informed that a separate legal process was necessary for the diversion of a public rights of way affected by the development and that the legal diversion process needed to be completed before development was substantially completed.  It was confirmed that an application to divert the footpath had not yet been received.


The Committee highlighted that this needed to be progressed in order to avoid future delays as the path was used by children walking between Wyke Regis and St Augustine's school which would become busier as the school was enlarged.


Proposed by Cllr Nick Ireland, seconded by Cllr David Shortell.


Decision: That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes. including the additional conditions and informatives contained in the update sheet.

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