Agenda item

Care Leavers Update

To receive a report by the Executive Director of People – Children.


The Corporate Parenting Board considered a report by the Executive Director of People – Children on Care Leavers Update.


Officers informed the Board they were in touch with 98% of care leavers who had a team of Personal Advisers (PA’s) making contact with them regularly.  During COVID-19 lockdown contact had been made weekly.  There were 5 young people who did not want to have contact.  A customer satisfaction txt message service had been set up, officers had received 100% positive feedback from care leavers using that system.  The Authority had also received feedback on the New Belongings programme with engagement from approximately 70 care leavers which was positive.


The Authority was in line with the national trend and had approximately 56% of care leavers who were not in education, employment or training (NEET).  This was an ongoing challenge as until recently there had not been enough PA’s employed but that had now been addressed and currently a PA was allocated when a young person was 17½ years old.  The Care Leaver Local Offer and Finance policy had to be finalised and established.  There were approximately 94% of care leavers in suitable accommodation and about 6% who were not in suitable accommodation, housing for care leavers had to be a priority for the Authority.


One member asked whether there was any way that care leavers could get priority on the housing list.  Officers confirmed there was a draft policy out for consultation which would increase the priority on the housing list for care leavers.


Officers mentioned it was challenging for young people to have their first tenancy which could quite easily go wrong.  A range of options and offers was required to ensure young people did not take a tenancy before they were ready to do so, officers needed to ensure the processes and procedures with housing colleagues were right.  There were 8 young people in bed and breakfast at present which officers were unhappy with but it was noted there was a significant number of units being made available for care leavers in Weymouth.


One member asked whether officers had drafted an acceptable standard of bed and breakfast accommodation for young people.  Officers confirmed housing colleagues were very cautious and mindful about when and where bed and breakfast accommodation was provided.  It was acknowledged that some young people liked being in bed and breakfast accommodation even if the Authority did not like it for them.  A consultation regarding this should be considered by the Corporate Parenting Board.


One member thought that perhaps the Authority should think about loans and how young people could get onto the property market.  It was noted that Foster Carers received money they were supposed to save for the young people and perhaps the training foster carers received ought to highlight that they should be saving for the young people or helping them to save.


The Executive Director of People – Children commented she knew that some young people had savings and would report back to the next formal meeting of the Board regarding the current position on how many young people had savings.


Members referred to the Child Trust Fund which young people reaching the age of 18 were eligible to access and asked whether there were other monies available for young people that they were not aware of.  Officers would report back at the next formal meeting of the Corporate Parenting Board on the financial wellbeing of Dorset’s care leavers aged 18 during this month and going forward.


The Executive Director of People – Children mentioned that leaving care children had access to a leaving care grant and would report back to the Board with the financial position of Dorset’s care leavers and what funding/grants were available to them


Officers confirmed that members should have been invited to a presentation from Coram Voice to be held on 23 September 2020 relating to the New Belongings programme.  As some members had not received an invitation the Service Manager – Adolescent Services  would ensure they had.


One member asked if the Authority’s procurement policy could include providing apprenticeships for LAC as it was a large organisation and should be doing something to help young people obtain employment.


The Executive Director of People – Children summed up that officers were concerned about the number of young people that were NEET but a number of young people had apprenticeships and also moving to higher education.



1.       That the Executive Director of People – Children provide a report to the next formal meeting of the Board on the 12 November 2020 relating to the financial position of young people and care leavers aged 18 during this month and going forward.

2.       That the Executive Director of People – Children would report back to the next formal meeting of the Board on the 12 November 2020 on the financial position of Dorset’s care leavers and what funding/grants were available to them.

3.       That the  Service Manager – Adolescent Services invite members of the Board to a presentation from Coram Voice to be held on 23 September 2020 relating to the New Belongings programme.






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