To receive a report by the Executive Director of People – Children.
The Corporate Parenting Board considered a report by the Executive Director of People – Children on the Corporate Parenting Strategy.
Officers informed the Board there were 479 children in Dorset’s care and that everyone employed by Dorset Council and Councillors were Corporate Parents. The strategy set out key priorities and how success was measured. In terms of values Dorset Council was collaborative, strength based and restorative. The six priorities and ambitions to being an effective Corporate Parent were set out in the report.
Channels of feedback and communication – it was important how officers received feedback from young people. In terms of measuring success that would be relevant in how successful young people were.
One member considered the Strategy was the way forward as he thought the Corporate Parenting Board were siloed as a body and that the whole of Dorset Council and the staff should be aware of their legal responsibilities. When looking at policies there was nothing on looked after children and everything had an effect on the children. They thought the policy should go to full council and be adopted by full council.
Officers confirmed that in terms of Corporate Parenting it should be throughout the Council. When new staff joined the Authority Corporate Parenting should be part of their induction so they were aware of their Corporate Parenting responsibilities.
The Executive Director of People – mentioned the Corporate Parenting Strategy was to be signed off by the Corporate Parenting Board and the pledges were areas where we would want greater join up within the wider council from the point of governance and process it was important the Board signed this off.
Officers confirmed the challenge was to recruit foster carers and what opportunities could be offered by having apprenticeships.
Members asked how this was all to be measured. The Board would be looking at data sets comparing national data.
One member thanked officers for the strategy commenting that it was something all councillors should be aware of and felt it should be discussed at one of the all council briefings with perhaps Councillor Parry informing all councillors of the work of the Corporate Parenting Board and that it was everyone’s responsibility.
Discussion was had on how best to inform councillors of the strategy. Councillor Parry thought it would be better to inform members through a Webinar and was also happy to have young people attend a full Council meeting. The Chief Executive of Participation People wondered if it would be useful to ask young people about their experiences of being in care and ask care leavers to speak at full Council, this would have more of an impact on people. She had placed a link on the chat bar to a film which was about fostering carers and shown to young people on induction days, she would email the link to members of the Board.
Members agreed the Strategy.
1. That Dorset’s Corporate Parenting Strategy for 2020 – 2023 be approved.
2. That a Webinar be held to inform councillors of the Strategy and arrangements made for care leavers to attend a future meeting of full Council to share their experiences of being in care.
3. That the Chief Executive of Participation People email the link to the film to members of the Board.
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