Agenda item

2/2018/1808/OUT, Land North of Burton Street, Marnhull, Dorset

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.


The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application to develop land at Marnhull by the erection of up to 61 No. dwellings, form vehicular and pedestrian access, public open space and attenuation basins. (Outline application to determine access).


The application had been originally determined by the former North Dorset District Council in 2019.  However, the reason the application was before members was because there had been a change to the terms of the Section 106 Agreement, specifically the NHS contributions could not be secured and their request for contributions had been retraced.  Therefore, members were now being asked to review the application and approve.


A number of written submissions supporting and objecting to the proposal and a statement by the applicant were read out at the meeting and are attached to these minutes.


Local Member for Marnhull – Cllr Graham Carr-Jones

There has been broad acceptance that Marnhull could take some development, although the application had not been that popular.  Parishioners would rather not have street lighting in the development, if they have to have something could it be sympathetic and considerate. He asked that a condition be added to the application that reduces the speed limit down to 20mph.   The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) and Planning Permissions were governed by separate legal processes. He suggested that the normal procedure would be that the Parish Council would pursue a TRO with Dorset Council.  He felt it was not particularly essential to this planning application. With regards to street lighting, the Area Lead Planning Officer advised that these details had not yet been supplied and would be brought forward at the layout stage.  However, the officer felt that the applicant would want to address this.


Members comments and questions

Cllr Cook made reference to the 40% affordable housing in this location and asked for details how much the NHS contribution would have been and if there was a way in asking for affordable housing to make up what the developer was going to give to the NHS.  The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that the Section 106 was legally binding and officers were unable to secure any additional contributions.


Cllr Fry asked about the consideration of renewable energies being included.  The Chairman advised that this application was an outline application at the present time, more details would follow at a later date.  The Area Lead Officer advised that he would add an informative on this matter.


Cllr Jones considered if members should be reviewing the other Section 106 monies as the original application was submitted in 2018 and approved in 2019.  The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that this was specific to the NHS Trust as they had withdrawn their request for Section 106 money and then proceeded to this basis. It was not made clear what needed to be reviewed as this was a bespoke issue relating solely to the NHS Trust.


Cllr Pothecary proposed approval of the application and that members did their ’best endeavours’ to support Marnhull Parish Council in their plans for a TRO. Any comments members can make to support the Parish Council with the TRO would be useful.


Cllr Fry supported the comments regarding the TRO. He felt it was hard to enforce 20mph zones and asked if there were any other options that could be considered.  The Transport Development Liaison Manager explained the work planned to make the bend wider to avoid instances of speeding round corners. It was the role of the Police to support the TRO.  In respect of traffic calming, this required lighting and signage and there would be issues of where it would be located, and they were not usually placed in isolated areas.


Proposed: Val Pothecary

Seconded: Les Fry



1. That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes and a S106 legal agreement, without NHS contributions.

2. That Marnhull Parish Council be supported in their endeavours to obtain a 20mph speed limit.

3. That an informative be added regarding the inclusion of renewable energies.

Supporting documents: