To consider a report by the Head of Planning.
The Senior Planning Officer introduced an application for land West of Charminster Farm, between Wanchard Lane and A37, Charminster. The scheme sought to erect 82 dwellings on a 7.3ha
site located adjacent to the existing approved Phase 2 site. A new
vehicular access to the A37 principal road would be formed towards the
south-west corner, allowing a spine road to be provided which would link
with Wanchard lane to the north. The new A37
vehicular access would include a right turn lane on the A37.
The variation in the types of dwellings was highlighted, all were 2 storey, apart from 4 bungalows, there would be a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced. A block of flats was also highlighted. It was noted that there would be 35% onsite provision for affordable housing.
As far as possible existing hedgerows and tress would be maintained. A significant element of the scheme was highlighted as the relocation of the allotments which were privately owned. There would also be provision for a number of additional allotments and a number of dedicated car parking spaces were also included for allotment holders
The scheme made ample provision for public open space and a locally equipped area of play.
Cycle storage areas were highlighted along with electric vehicle charging points that would be installed.
The main planning issues were highlighted to members along with the updated recommendation. An update sheet detailing the change was circulated to members prior to the meeting and is attached as an annexure to these minutes.
There was also a slight addition to the conditions in
respect of highways. Highways officers
had advised that off-site highway works would be needed regarding the improvement
to the weir view junction.
The Transport Development Liaison Manager commented on the highway matters within the application. Highways were wholly satisfied with the proposed junction with the A37 junction. The internal road layout was also acceptable. The proposed car parking was in line with the guidance and therefore the Highway Authority recommended conditional approval.
An explanation from the Committee’s legal adviser on the detail of the Section106 was given for members. A contribution had been suggested for restrictions along Wanchard Lane, which was not considered necessary for the development in planning terms. This could not be part of members’ decision making. If the developer withdrew the offer any recommendation to grant would not be affected.
A number of written responses were received and are attached as an annexure to these minutes.
Local Member for Charminster
Cllr Taylor
Asked if the junction with Wanchard Lane would be shut down during the improvement works. The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) for improvement works were not part of this application and were not deemed as being essential to facilitate the development proposal, in highway terms. The Senior Planning Officer advised that there had been some discussions between the applicant and the Parish Council regarding the restriction of traffic in this area. It could be included in Section106 but was not a material consideration in terms of this application.
Members comments and questions
Cllr Hall made reference to a water detention area (p 33 of the report) and an attenuation pond and asked for clarification. The Senior Planning Officer advised there was a small attenuation pond alongside the allotments and was referred to as attenuation and detention. Following a question about a high foul sewage risk and whether this risk had been mitigated, the officer advised that this had been discussed with Wessex Water and they were content with the solution.
In response to a question about the moving of allotments, the officer advised that the right way to handle this would be through the Section 106, for minimal disruption and to ensure appropriate facilities were provided. The Chairman highlighted the net planning gain for the allotment holders, i.e. water supply, better parking etc. The Officer confirmed there would be a significant enhancement over the existing allotment area and the applicant had had close ongoing dialogue with the allotment holders.
Cllr Fry whilst welcoming the car charging points was disappointed there were no other renewables mentioned in the application. The Officer advised that the applicant intended to use low flush WCs, energy efficiency construction principles and lighting etc but added that an informative on the consideration of further renewables could be included.
Cllr Heatley made a comment regarding the West Dorset Local Plan in respect of sustainable designs, the officer highlighted the sustainable construction principles which were quite stringent in the effective use of sustainable materials. Cllr Heatley felt there were gounds within this development for the applicant to demonstrate more use of sustainable/renewable energies as referenced in the National Policy Framework.
The Aea Planning Manager highlighted ENV13 and advised that policy requirements were not prescriptive, the list of energy matters supplied from the applicant satisfied this policy and met the requirements of it. It was beyond the scope of this application to impose a further condition. The Legal Adviser highlighted that the MPFF was merely reflecting the legal position and that it was the Development Plan that took priority.
Cllr Fry made reference to the car parking provision and noted that 82% of garages were unlikely to be used and therefore asked for the exact number of car parking spaces that would be available. The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that they do accept garages within the parking calculation but took the point that some people would choose not to park there. He was confident the layout proposed was sufficient to accommodate off street parking. The application complied with the Authority’s guidance on car parking and he felt that on-street availability was high.
Cllr Andrews asked if there was anything in place to ensure the fertility of the soil when the allotments were moved. The Senior Planning Officer advised that the Section 106 handled such matters as soil quality. Cllr Andrews also asked about the weighting of the Local Plan as the development was outside the boundary. The Officer advised that the current situation was that there was a new emerging Dorset Local Plan, and currently the Authority did not have a 5 year housing supply and the development was very close to the boundary.
Cllr Jones made reference to the open space and asked who would be looking after this in the future and were there any recommendations to adopt the roads after completion. The Senior Planning Officer advised that the public open space would be ensured though the Section 106 through a management company but the Parish Council had expressed an interest. The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that the Authority could not force a developer to offer a road for adoption but the developer has indicated these roads would be offered for adoption as roads in the other phases have already been adopted.
Cllr Pothecary felt that the site was very attractive, was not over developed and therefore proposed approval.
Proposed: Cllr Val Pothecary
Seconded: Cllr David Taylor
Delegate a That approval be delegated to the Head of Planning subject
1. entry into a s106 agreement to address affordable housing (35%),
provision of public open space with management/maintenance details,
2. Re-location of
allotments (with specification details);
3. Establishment of
vehicular and pedestrian links with Phase 2/land to east;
4. Financial
contributions towards extension of 30mph speed limit on Wanchard
5. A financial
contribution towards enabling offsite works if offered by the developer which are:-
-restriction of motor vehicle access along Wanchard Lane,
-weight restriction along Weir View.
6. The inclusion of an Informative note that members would wish to see the developer make the site as sustainable as possible; and
7. To include additional highways condition.
Supporting documents: