To consider a report by the Head of Planning.
The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application to
erect 40no affordable homes with associated internal access, parking, gardens
and open space. (Reserved Matters application to determine scale, appearance
and landscaping; following the grant of Outline Planning Permission No.
2/2018/0981/OUT). The application was before members as the property was owned
by the Council.
Members were advised that although the Blandford
Neighbourhood Plan had progressed, outline planning permission had already been
granted for this site, therefore this would not be revisited.
The scale of development was 2 storey buildings which was in
keeping with the area.
The key planning matters were highlighted:-
An additional condition had been added regarding the 4 trees
in front of units 1,2,3 and 4 which was highlighted to members.
Members were advised that highway matters had been
previously agreed in the outline permission.
A number of written responses were received and are attached
as an
to these minutes.
Local Member for Blandford
Cllr Byron Quayle was speaking on behalf of himself and Cllr
Noc Lacey Clarke.
He urged members to vote against the application, as he felt
the site was over developed and would substantially change the town forever.
The retention of trees was fundamental to this area along with the Nordon building. He
was aware that outline permission for 40 dwellings had been given but felt that
one-bedroom buildings would suit the area better. The original outline
permission did not take into account the massive
impact on traffic and his view did not address the needs of the town. He felt
strongly that this was the wrong development.
The Chairman reminded members this was the final stage of
this particular planning application. Matters of
layout, demolition of the house, highways, access and the Section 106 Order had
already been decided upon in 2018 and were not for discussion at this meeting.
Members needed to focus on the appearance of the proposed units. The Section 106 Agreement had already been
determined and specified only the amount of affordable housing. The Area Lead Planning Officer clarified the
policy position in that just 30% was affordable. If there were attempts to try
to secure any more in the Section 106, it could be taken out at
a later date. Some providers did struggle to get more than 30% funding
from Homes England. It was noted that
Aster was a registered housing provider.
In response to some of the written representations, the Area
Lead Planning Officer advised that the conservation area had not been ignored
at the outline application. He also
highlighted the large outdoor area play area highlighted. He also highlighted to members the group of
trees that were being saved.
Members comments and questions
Cllr Jones asked if Aster would have leeway of putting some
of the properties at full market value.
The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that the policy position was that
officers could only secure 30% as affordable housing but had made an agreement
with Aster for 100% affordable. If more than 30% was specified it could make it
difficult for registered landlords to secure further funding from Homes
England. The Chairman added that she was
confident that it was Aster’s intention to build affordable homes on this site
as a registered housing provider. The Committee’s Solicitor confirmed that the
Council could only seek to secure policy compliant levels.
Cllr Ridout asked in relation to Condition 4, the Landscape
Management Plan, how long was long term in respect of maintenance
timescales? The Area Lead Planning
Officer advised that he could liaise with the applicant to make it longer to
say 20 years. It was also noted that the 4 trees that were being saved had been
added to the Plan.
Cllr Taylor asked for clarification on the trees and the
affordable homes aspect. The Area Lead
Planning Officer highlighted the matters that were able to be discussed today
and reiterated that access and layout had already been decided. Matters of
scale e.g. height and volume of the buildings was to be determined today. With
regards to appearance, he had worked with the Conservation Officer to secure
amended schemes which had been detailed in his earlier presentation. The Landscaping
Officer had also been consulted.
Cllr Fry asked if a condition could be included to ensure
100% affordable homes. The Area Planning
Manager advised that placing such a condition would prohibit Aster being able
to bring the scheme forward as 100% affordable.
Following a question about whether Historic England had made any comment
on the scheme the Area Lead Planning Officer advised that no further comments
had been received, they had just reiterated their disappointment in the
original application.
Cllr Fry highlighted there was nothing about renewable
energies mentioned in the report. The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that planning
officers did not have the leverage to insist on matters such as solar panels,
this was for the developer and building regulations to take forward. Planning Officers do look for sustainable
development and Blandford was a sustainable location to have this sort of
Cllr Andrews asked if a play area was deemed to be in a
landscaping policy? The Area Lead
Planning Officer advised that was part of what already had been decided and he
understood the area was aimed more towards smaller children.
Cllr Heatley was also disappointed nothing was included on
the energy performance of the development. The Area Lead Planning Officer
advised that the developer has to meet building
regulations and planning officers were not able to push the standards issue
beyond what building regulations stipulate.
Cllr Ridout
highlighted that members were looking for the best possible result and
legacy for Blandford such as traditional
design, feature buildings and the retention of a significant number of trees and
although she was disappointed there was not more play area being provided she
felt this had been achieved and was happy to support the proposal with the
amendments as had been highlighted.
The Area Lead Planning Officer drew members attention to the
update sheet which detailed some amendments to plan numbers.
Proposed Cllr Belinda Ridout
Seconded Cllr Brian Heatley
That the application be approved subject to the conditions, and the revised conditions as detailed in the update sheet both outlined in the appendix to these minutes.
Supporting documents: