To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic
Growth, Assets & Property. The
Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee has been invited to review the report at
its meeting on 25 March 2021. (The committee’s comments are to follow).
Appendices 2 and 4-8 (not for publication by virtue of
paragraph 3 of schedule 12A, Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972, as
(a) That the principle of consolidating the Council’s office
requirements on the County Hall/Colliton Park site as
a ‘public service civic hub’ subject to the Council ensuring it takes due regard
to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, be agreed;
(b) That the principle of utilizing any surplus space within the
County Hall/Colliton Park site for use by third
sector and other public sector bodies be agreed and to review the possibility to
repurpose and refurbish any such assets currently leased to and in use by them
for residential purpose or for disposal;
Agree to retain the Library facility in South Walks House with a Customer Access Point;
(d) That Cabinet reaffirms the principle that we are a member led
authority and that local Members should always be consulted on issues affecting
their Wards;
(e) That planning permission be sought to repurpose South Walks
House and South Annexe for residential use through a
process of refurbishing or redeveloping the existing buildings whilst retaining
the Library facility in South Walks House and a Customer Access point;
(f) Agree to the Council, whilst planning consent is being sought for the
repurposing of South Walks House and South Annexe for
residential use, to continue to explore and investigate alternative uses so as
to ensure that the Council achieves best commercial (including hotel use),
social and economic value prior to bringing forward the final recommendation to
Cabinet for approval as to future use.
Reason for the decision
effective use of the asset base will help enable the Council to meet its social
and financial challenges through asset disposals, generation of capital
receipts, savings in costs through the reduction, rationalisation and improved
efficiency of the estate and more importantly the generation of value through
income generation and the repurposing, redirecting and reuse of land and
buildings for housing, schools and other essential service needs.
Cabinet considered
a report on the rationalisation of the council’s property asset for office
accommodation in Dorchester following the reorganisation of local government in
Dorset. A number of options had been
considered by officers and the changes in technology and access to information
were also taken into account.
The Portfolio
Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property advised that the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee
had reviewed the Cabinet report at its meeting of 25 March 2021 and had made
the following recommendations:
1. Agree to the principle of consolidating
the Council’s office
requirements on the County Hall/Colliton Park site as a ‘public service
civic hub’ subject to the Council ensuring that
it takes due regard to
the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
2. Agree to the principle of utilising any
surplus space within the County
Hall/Colliton Park site
for use by third sector and other public sector
bodies and to review the possibility to repurpose
and refurbish any
such assets currently leased to and in use by
them for residential
purpose or for disposal
3. Agree to retain the Library facility in
South Walks House with a
Customer Access Point
4. Reaffirms the principle that we are a
member-led authority and that
local Members should always be consulted on
issues affecting their
5. Agree to the Council seeking planning
permission to repurpose South
Walks House and South Annexe for residential use
through a process
of refurbishing or redeveloping the existing
buildings whilst retaining
the Library facility in South Walks House and a
Customer Access
The Portfolio Holder proposed the above recommendations for approval
with the following addition set out as 6 below.
Recommendations 1 to 6 were also seconded by Cllr J Haynes.
6. Agree to the Council, whilst planning consent is being sought for the
repurposing of South Walks House and South Annexe for
residential use, to continue to explore and investigate alternative uses so as
to ensure that the Council achieves best commercial (including hotel use),
social and economic value prior to bringing forward the final recommendation to
Cabinet for approval as to future use.
response to questions, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that:-
Local ward Councillors would be kept fully
informed of progress;
The use for government offices was explored with
no success;
When the final recommendations report comes
forward it would be made available to Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee
before being considered by Cabinet for approval.
Upon being put to
the vote recommendations 1-6 were approved.
(a) That the principle of consolidating the Council’s office
requirements on the County Hall/Colliton Park site as
a ‘public service civic hub’ subject to the Council ensuring it takes due
regard to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, be agreed;
(b) That the principle of utilizing any surplus space within the
County Hall/Colliton Park site for use by third
sector and other public sector bodies be agreed and to review the possibility
to repurpose and refurbish any such assets currently leased to and in use by
them for residential purpose or for disposal;
Agree to retain the Library facility in South Walks House with a Customer Access Point;
(d) That Cabinet reaffirms the principle that we are a member led
authority and that local Members should always be consulted on issues affecting
their Wards;
(e) That planning permission be sought to repurpose South Walks
House and South Annexe for residential use through a
process of refurbishing or redeveloping the existing buildings whilst retaining
the Library facility in South Walks House and a Customer Access point;
(f) Agree to the Council, whilst planning consent is being sought for the
repurposing of South Walks House and South Annexe for
residential use, to continue to explore and investigate alternative uses so as
to ensure that the Council achieves best commercial (including hotel use),
social and economic value prior to bringing forward the final recommendation to
Cabinet for approval as to future use.
Reason for the decision
effective use of the asset base will help enable the Council to meet its social
and financial challenges through asset disposals, generation of capital
receipts, savings in costs through the reduction, rationalisation and improved
efficiency of the estate and more importantly the generation of value through
income generation and the repurposing, redirecting and reuse of land and
buildings for housing, schools and other essential service needs.
Supporting documents: