Agenda item

Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) Designated Persons and Health and Safety Report

To consider a report by the Designated Person for Dorset Councils Harbour and the Senior Health & Safety Consultant.


The Committee considered a report by the Designated Person and the Health & Safety Consultant.


The Designated Person introduced his second report for the period ending February 2021, stating that a good level of contact had been maintained with the Harbours teams despite home working due to the Covid restrictions.  He outlined some highlights of the report including:-


·            the approval of the Weymouth Harbour Revision Order (HRO) and ongoing preparation of the HRO for Bridport and Lyme Regis; 

·            that the harbour teams had fulfilled the obligations of the Port Marine Safety Code despite the pandemic and the change of Weymouth Harbour Master;

·            the implementation of a new incident reporting system in Weymouth which was now live;

·            that navigational risk assessments had been maintained;

·            the ongoing development of Marine Safety Management Systems and early development of General Directions at Weymouth;

·            ongoing stakeholder engagement despite remote working;

·            useful information displayed on the Weymouth Harbour website in relation to Covid, which had been quickly updated in response to rapidly changing government guidance.


In response to questions it was confirmed that


·         there was an opportunity to ensure that Port Marine Safety was included in the Marine Safety Management Plan going forward and for Harbours Committee to take ownership of the Plan.

·         that further to issues with the Melway, an agreement with Portland Port for use of its pilot vessel in Weymouth Harbour was imminent.


The Health & Safety Consultant also gave an overview of the Health & Safety audits.  These had been included in the report further to a request made at the previous Harbours Committee for consideration of those elements that were outside the remit of the Designated Person.


The Health & Safety Consultant stated that all staff had been very co-operative, helpful and open. The new Weymouth Harbour Master had put in place many new procedures at Weymouth, including the control of contractors and associated competencies, which had been impressive.  He had been able to delegate work appropriately and this could be replicated by the Bridport & Lyme Regis Harbour Master should he be provided with further staffing resource.  Closer working relationships between the harbours would be an aspiration going forward and further health & safety visits would be undertaken once Covid restrictions were lifted. Overall she had been very impressed by the harbours teams in what was considered to be a high risk environment.


These comments were echoed by the Chairman and Jim Clark, Independent Member who congratulated the teams on such positive news.


The Chairman was particularly encouraged as the Committee relied on the harbours teams for its safe working harbours and it was encouraging for Duty Holders to know how well the teams were doing and continuing to improve.


Proposed by Cllr Mark Roberts, seconded by Cllr Rob Hughes.


Recommended to Full Council: That the Harbours Committee approves the Designated Person’s report and that the report is sent to Full Council for information


Reason for Recommendation: Harbour operations have been reviewed and

assessed throughout the period by the Designated Person and as a result

compliance with the Code is reported.

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