Agenda item

2/2019/0680/FUL - Former A T S Euromaster Site, New Road, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 8QH

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.


The Area Manager introduced the application for the erection of 18 No. dwellings, formation of vehicular access, car parking, and landscaping. The Committee were shown various plans of the proposed development as well as photographs of the surroundings. The Area Manager explained the history of the site and that a care home was originally proposed. She also explained that 30% affordable housing is not a possibility, however there would be other Section 106 contributions for other benefits.


The Transport Development Manager outlined the access to the site via King’s Hill. There could be up to 10 traffic movements on the site per hour which would be an acceptable level. The Highway Authority would recommend approval. 


The key planning matters were highlighted:

  • Location of Development
  • Affordable housing & other contributions
  • Movement and access
  • Character and appearance of the area
  • Setting of heritage assets
  • Amenity


A number of written representations were received, and they are attached as an annexure to these minutes.


Members’ Questions and Comments

Members asked several questions relating to the application, including the proposed materials, the value of the site, and traffic accessing the site.


After questions, the Area Manager advised members that: The materials used to build the terrace would match other buildings in the area; The character of slopes would be protected; Bins would be kept at the back of the terrace and moved to the collection point; the terrace houses would meet the minimum space requirements and the minimum building regulations for energy; and the scheme would not be viable if the housing mix included affordable units.


The Transport Development Manager responded to the Members’ questions and advised that: Access to the site was satisfactory, with low speeds and visibility which met the requirements; Emergency service vehicles would not cause issues for access to the site; Refuse vehicles could adequately access, turn, and leave the site; and that the flats would have a bin store.


There were concerns from members that access to the site could be removed from residents because the site was only accessible by a private road. In addition, there were concerns about the high value of the land at the site, the lack of affordable housing, and the density of the proposed development. Officers responded to the concerns.


Proposed by Cllr Cook and seconded by Cllr Ridout that the application be refused.



That the application be refused.


Reasons for refusal:


The proposal, by reason of the design having an excessive scale, employing inappropriate materials of construction, and employing an unacceptable appearance, and its prominent location at the entrance to the old town, would be harmful to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, and the setting of several listed buildings, bringing with it less than substantial harm which would not be outweighed by public benefit.  Therefore, the proposal would be contrary to North Dorset Local Plan Part 1 (2011-2031) policies 1, 2, 5, 7 and 24, emerging Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan policies SFDH1, SFDH2, SFDH3, SFDH4, SFDH6 and SFDH7 and the National Planning Policy Framework.



At 11.42am the meeting was adjourned until 11.50am for a short comfort break. Upon reconvening, there was a roll call to ensure all members were present.



Supporting documents: