To consider a report by the Head of Planning.
Planning Officer introduced the application to re-use Sherborne House as an exhibition, events,
function, restaurant and office space, with associated
repair and extension.
The first application members considered was in respect of
the planning permission whilst the second application was in respect of the
listed building consent.
As both applications were concerned with the same property, officers were asked to give just the one presentation for both applications.
Officers highlighted the history of the site to members although recognised that members had visited the property in the past.
The Business Plan for the Sherborne House Trust was highlighted to members.
A number of written responses were received and are attached
as an annexure to these minutes.
Members comments and questions
Cllr Fry was concerned that the issue of renewables was not covered. The Planning Officer advised that the applicants were working with a company that had sustainability at the centre of their ethos. However, they recognised some of the limitations of the building but offered other environmental designs.
Cllr Andrews considered whether a condition could be put in place to implement a highways suggestion regarding pedestrianisation. The Planning Officer advised that it would not be necessary to add a condition as it was for the applicant to measure and manage their flow of visitors.
Cllr Hall asked for an update in respect of Historic England’s letter regarding not wanting to see any alteration in certain rooms. The Planning Officer advised that the updated Plan reflected the concerns raised and the principle had now been agreed.
Cllr Hall sought clarification about a possible condition for car parking, and whether something in literature could be included for visitors to use specific car parks. The Planning Officer advised this was outside the realms of planning control but applicants could be asked to put this in their literature.
Cllr Hall requested that he and Cllr Andrews be included in discussions on the traffic management plan. The Planning Officer undertook to advise the members when the documentation was ready.
Cllr Hall expressed concern regarding noise in an area which was surrounded by residential areas and considered if something could be included regarding the monitoring of noise. The Planning Officer drew members’ attention to the conditions for noise and noted that Environmental Health had not raised any concerns in this area. It was noted that Licensing would cover music and alcohol issues in respect of times.
Cllr Penfold asked for clarification of a landscape plan in respect of the loss of trees. The Planning Officer advised that the Tree Officer was satisfied there was a fair assessment of the trees on the site. She confirmed there would be no loss of any significant healthy trees. There was a landscaping plan for both the rear and front of the Plan with a 15 year maintenance condition included.
Cllr Cook asked if the foraging bats had been assessed in light of some of the trees being removed and considered if this would have an impact on bio-diversity. The Planning Officer advised that a hedgerow was proposed to go along the front row elevation to maintain the foraging bats. She also highlighted the proposed bio-diversity condition.
Following a comment from Cllr Cook about the flat roof of the proposed extension of the back wall, the Chairman advised that members could only consider the application as it was proposed and this would be a matter for building control to manage.
Cllr Pothecary felt this was a wonderful and exciting project for the use of this exceptional building and was content to recommend approval.
Local Member for Sherborne
Cllr Andrews thanked everyone involved with the application. He felt it was time the building was revamped and re-used and the economy would benefit with an increase in footfall.
Members were pleased to see that renewables and the sustainability of the building had been considered by the applicants and would hope that they would do everything they could to make this building as an exemplar of how a building could be converted. It was suggested that as Wessex Water were on site it might be opportune for the applicant to speak with them about the possibility of installing ground source heating.
Proposed: Cllr Pothecary
Seconded: Cllr Andrews
The Committee were ‘minded to’ allow the application. The Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement, having considered the representations and the officer’s presentation and having taken into account the views of the committee, made the following decision under delegated authority:
That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix attached to these minutes.
Supporting documents: