Agenda item

Proposed Traffic Regulation Order – Waiting Restrictions on Pony Drive, Upton

To consider a report by the Executive Director of Place.


The Committee considered a report by the Director of Place which explained that, following the advertising of proposed implementation of parking restrictions in Pony Drive in Upton, objections had been received to the proposals. Consequently, the Committee was now being asked to give consideration to those objections and decide whether the proposals should be implemented as advertised. The waiting restrictions on Pony Drive, Upton were seen to be necessary as a result of unregulated parking that was causing congestion and safety issues.


With the aid of a visual presentation, officers explained the reasoning behind the need to impose the waiting restrictions and the basis on which the objections received had been made. Photographs and plans were shown to the Committee by way of illustration. These showed where the proposals would be situated, the character of the roads and their setting within the town in that Pony Drive lead to a residential area, situated opposite a free car park that was used predominantly for walkers using Upton Country Park, there being another pay and display car park in an easterly direction approximately three hundred metres from Pony Drive.


What was being proposed was designed to improve the safety situation and congestion being caused by unregulated parking on or near the junction of Pony Drive and Poole Road.


Objections received considered that the new proposals would serve to disenfranchise those residents who wished to, or needed to, park on street or visitors to them and the inconvenient this would cause.


When the public consultation completed, those objections raised enabled Dorset Council to consider a revised proposal which could well better accommodate residents and visitors – this being ‘No Waiting Between the Hours Of 9.00am and 5:00pm’  The views of Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council and Local Councillors were sought on this. However, they

confirmed their decision to continue to support the original proposal.


Two of the local Ward Members for Lytchett Matravers and Upton – Councillors Alex Brenton and Bill Pipe - supported the proposals, as did the Town Council, as mentioned previously


Officers acknowledged that whilst the changes would not necessarily be universally welcomed, on balance, they were considered to be beneficial and, on that basis, were now being recommended for approval as advertised.

Notwithstanding the objections received, the wider community had seemingly accepted the proposals, so they were now being recommended to be implemented on that basis.


Of some consideration was that the Upton House, BCP managed car park had recently started charging for its use that this had seemingly coincided with and exacerbated the issues being seen on Pony Drive, with displaced parking needs being met there instead. It was felt that the Upton House car park could be better utilised with improved signage, its proximity to the house and in being more convenient.


The implementation of a ‘No Waiting at any Time’ restriction along sections of Pony Drive would address the issue of inconsiderate and potentially dangerous parking whilst improving access at junctions for large vehicles including refuse vehicles, delivery vehicles and emergency service vehicles. The downside to this proposal was that, during non-peak hours, the restriction would still be active thus restricting residents possible parking opportunity.


The revised proposal after the public consultation for the implementation of the ‘No Waiting between 9am and 5pm’ restriction along sections of Pony Drive, would also address the issue of inconsiderate and potentially dangerous parking whilst improving access at junctions for large vehicles including refuse vehicles, delivery vehicles and emergency service vehicles.


The limited time restriction might well ensure that availability for residents to park in the evening and overnight on the road was available, if required. The downside to this proposal was that after 5pm, when the restriction ended, the junctions and areas where parking would cause visibility and traffic flow issues would be unprotected.


Officers considered that the Implementation of yellow lines would help enforce no parking around junctions or opposite junctions and increase visibility when emerging from Pony Drive. The revised proposal was put forward for consideration after feedback was received from residents during the public consultation stage. The proposed single yellow line could enable residents parking options if required between the hours of 5pm until 9am thus addressing concerns raised about safety and opportunity to park on the highway if required by visitors and residents. This would however leave the identified disruptive and possibly dangerous areas exposed when the restriction ends.


Having considered all the responses received and proposed an alternative restriction to Local members and Lytchett Minister and Upton Parish Council, officers conclude that both proposals had equally balanced advantages and disadvantages. As a result, officers considered it appropriate to recommend proceeding with the proposal as originally supported by the Parish Council and local members rather than leave the situation as existing.


The majority of the Committee supported this stance, however a minority of members asked what prospect there was of some sort of hybrid measures being implemented that would both satisfy the issue of the congestion being experienced and the residents’ parking needs and concerns. The solicitor explained that such provision would require a readvertisement of measures from scratch - as it had not be proposed or considered before – and, in that event, might not necessarily progress given the need for the support of the Town Council in its advancement. Even if this was to be the case, then local  public opinion might well again be divided, all of this taking some considerable months to progress, whereas what was being proposed was seen to be necessary to be implemented now to address the issues identified.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the proposal and an

understanding of all this entailed; having taken into account the officer’s report

and presentation; the written representations; and what they had heard at the

meeting, in being proposed by Councillor Alex Brenton and seconded by

Councillor Mike Dyer, on being put to the vote, the Committee agreed - by

9:2 - to be minded to accept the recommendation as set out in the officer’s report.



1)That the waiting restrictions proposed for Pony Drive Upton be implemented as advertised and that a TRO be made to that effect

2)That the Cabinet and/or the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment - be authorised to endorse this decision.


Reason for Decision

To regulate parking in the interests of road safety and the free flow and passage of vehicles.

Supporting documents: