To consider Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council's consultation on the proposed development of an energy recovery facility and reconfiguration of the site at Eco Sustainable Solutions, Parley, north of Bournemouth.
The committee considered a report of the Senior Planning
Officer (Minerals and Waste) which sought support for the Dorset Council
response to Bournemouth, Christchurch and
Poole (BCP) Council regarding the planning application consultation on the
proposed development of an energy recovery facility, with reconfiguration of
the site, at Eco Sustainable Solutions, Parley.
The committee
considered the proposed response and points were discussed in the following
Detail provided
of the further information that the council was seeking
response was based on the information currently available. It was hoped that further consultation would
be undertaken by BCP Council when additional information was available
It was
thought that European regulations and law would still be in place for energy
recovery facilities. In addition, the
facility would be regulated by the Environment Agency
around the ecological impact was noted and assurance sought that human health
issues had been fully considered and addressed.
Further information would be provided following the meeting.
It was proposed by
B Ridout seconded by S Jespersen
‘Minded to’
That Dorset Council
responds to Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Councill regarding the
planning application consultation on the proposed development of an energy
recovery facility, with reconfiguration of the site, at Eco Sustainable
Solutions, Parley, as per the response attached at Appendix 3 to the report,
which concludes that:
‘The Bournemouth,
Christchurch, Poole and Dorset Waste Plan identifies a clear need for
non-hazardous waste management capacity. The application provides for 60,000tpa
of residual waste management capacity, making a contribution towards this need.
The proposal is on a site allocated in the Waste Plan and generally in
principle therefore can be considered acceptable.
However, the Waste
Plan makes clear that the proposals on the allocated site will only be acceptable
if it can be demonstrated that there will be no adverse effects on the
integrity of European sites. The application as it stands does not provide
sufficient information with regards to possible effects on European sites and
therefore does not fully accord with the allocation and other policies in the
Waste Plan.
The detail of the
application is also considered insufficient with regards to landscape impacts
and aerodrome safeguarding.
As a result, Dorset
Council is not satisfied that the Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats
Regulations Assessment carried out for the proposed development provides robust
evidence that all impacts, including impacts on Dorset’s environment and
interests, have been identified and can and will be appropriately mitigated.
Therefore Dorset Council objects to the detail of the proposed development,
recommends that further information is sought as outlined in this response and
asks Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council to ensure that further robust
assessment is undertaken, and consulted on, to ensure impacts are properly
understood and appropriately mitigated. Dorset Council considers that as it
stands it is not possible to determine that the proposal is in accordance with
the adopted Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and Dorset Waste Plan.’
The Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement, having heard the debate, confirmed the ‘minded to’ decision, under delegated powers on behalf of the informal meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee.
Supporting documents: