Agenda item

Presentation updating on Dorset Public Health activities

To receive a presentation from the Director of Public Health on Dorset Public health activities relating to the current health protection issues; COVID-19 response and interventions; and how the Business Plan is being progressed.


The Director of Public Health took the opportunity to inform the Board of what

had been done by Public Health Dorset (PHD) - in partnership with other

heath bodies GP’s; Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group; the NHS,

emergency services; and Dorset and BCP Councils - to address and manage

the Coronavirus pandemic within Dorset over recent months.


The Board were given a presentation illustrating the local outbreak

management plan, how it was being applied and managed and what was

being done in practice, along with other associated information pertaining to

the pandemic, to put what PHD was doing – and had done - in some context,

this being:-


·        Coronavirus: current situation - including analysis of cases, hospitalisations, deaths, testing regime and vaccination rollout progress

·        Comparisons between the Regional/National picture

·        The implications for - and of - Step 4 of the roadmap from 19 July

·        Health protection – the impact on the team/recruitment and planning

·        Business Plan update

·        Priority work over the next 6 months


as well as how PDH had been able to continue the successful delivery of its core responsibilities in light of all this.


Given the unprecedented circumstances in having to deal with such a

pandemic, it was a seen to be a credit to PHD in how this had been managed

and, as a consequence, how relatively successful it had proven to be.


The relative success seen in suppressing such an infectious and contagious virus was seen to be largely attributable to how PHD managed it, what had been done in practice to do this; and the preparations they had made to do so.


The acts of social distancing, hand washing and isolation - which had been generally well observed in Dorset - had meant that containment of the virus had been relatively successful, compared to if this had not been the case. The testing regime being implemented and how successful and efficient the vaccination programme rollout had been, was seen as testament to the effective management of PHD. Moreover, the ability to maintain what PHD services offered and could do throughout this outbreak was to the benefit of Dorset, its residents and visitors in being assured that continuity was maintained, as far as practicable.


The Director was confident that lockdown had contributed significantly to

breaking the chain of transmission along with the observations of social

distancing and individual hand hygiene being applied, observed and complied

with had gone a long way to Covid-19 being dissipated as it had.


The Board were assured that the team had endeavoured to deliver as far as

possible against their statutory responsibilities, provided essential public

health services in line with Government guidance at the

time, and above all protected and responded to the health threats arising from

the unprecedented pandemic.


The Board appreciated what PHD had done in addressing the Covid-19

pandemic and how this had been achieved and the commitment shown, being seen to be a credit to how important PHD preventative work was, which demonstrably demonstrated how Dorset and its residents benefitted from it. They hoped this positive response could be now driven home to quell any further variants and transmissions becoming overwhelming.


The Board particularly recognised the importance of the Comms Team during the pandemic – in ensuring that information and the way it was interpreted and understood was readily available and accessible to all in a timely manner.



That what had been achieved and the way this had been done to address the pandemic issues and maintain and deliver the PHD Services be acknowledged and commended.