Agenda item

Application to Vary the Premises Licence for Jurassic Fields, Bridport

An application has been made to vary the premises licence for the Jurassic Fields annual festival in Bridport. The application has been out to public consultation and has attracted a relevant representation. A Licensing Sub-Committee must consider the application and representations at a public hearing. 



The Sub-Committee were informed that an application had been made to vary the premises licence for the Jurassic Fields annual festival in Bridport. The festival was designed primarily to give local up and coming artists the opportunity to showcase their acts and to raise their profile.


The application had been out to public consultation and had attracted a relevant representation. On that basis, the Licensing Sub-Committee had to consider the application and representations at this public hearing. The criteria and grounds on which any decision could be made in taking such steps as the Sub-Committee considered appropriate and proportionate for the promotion of the licensing objectives were:-


·        The prevention of crime and disorder

·        The prevention of public nuisance

·        Public safety

·        The protection of children from harm


The Licencing Officer set out the details of the application and what it entailed – in that Jurassic Field Productions Ltd had applied to vary the premises licence - WDPL0658 - for Askers Meadows, Sea Road South, Bridport. The current premises licence was attached at Appendix 1 and what it currently provided for – in terms of alcohol to be supplied on the premises and Regulated Entertainment, Live and Recorded Music and dance – was set out.


The application was for the inclusion of a third day every year, being the second Sunday in July, from 11:00 to 22:00. The application was included in full at Appendix 2 to the report.


One representation had been received from a nearby resident objecting to the application on the basis of excessive noise and disturbance on the Asker's Meadow nature reserve.


The Sub-Committee were informed that no complaints had been received – particularly from any representative councils – with Bridport Town Council supporting the application.


The Sub-Committee understood that the provision of an extra day – one day a year - would provide the necessary means by which the festival could remain viable and an attractive proposition - with a view to it locating to another, more suitable and accessible site in the future. The additional day would bring in additional income to enable the applicants to have the necessary capital to be able to move sites. Any future move would be the subject of a separate application and could not be considered as part of this.


The configuration of the site and what it entailed was explained, together with the distances between the festival site and the nearest local residential properties were provided and how the sound equipment would be orientated on site – i.e. so that it  was away from the residential areas and pinpointed towards the centre of the site – was explained and understood. Noise measurement monitoring had not previously given any rise for concern and had been within the thresholds allowable. There was no reason that there would be any difference on the Sunday.


The event had been seen to be a success locally – and further wide – in terms of the social and economic benefits it generated. It was proposed that Sunday tickets would be made available to local residents in the first instance too. The festival attracted some 2000 visitors each day and a good working relationship with the local Police Force had seen to minimise any disturbance.


The Sub-Committee heard from the Licencing Officer that, for a growing festival of this sort - and its ability to thrive - it was a quite normal, standard and reasonable request.


Moreover, the Management Plan that was provided by the applicant was seen to be quite satisfactory and there was reason to believe the event had been run successfully and well during its tenure.



That having determined the application in the light of written and oral evidence and having a clear understanding of what the application entailed, that the licence be granted, on the basis of the detail set out in the Licencing Officer’s report.


Reason for Decision

That the application was considered to be appropriate and proportionate for the promotion of the licensing objectives.

Supporting documents: