Agenda item

P/FUL/2021/00826 - Old Military Hospital, Grove Trading Estate, Dorchester

Change of use & conversion of former military hospital to 5 No. flats (C3).



The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application for the change of use & conversion of former military hospital to 5 No. flats (C3) and the application for alterations to facilitate the conversion of former military hospital to 5 No. flats (C3).


The first application members considered for the Old Military Hospital was in respect of planning permission whilst the second application was in respect of the listed building consent.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the applications to the committee. The site was located within an area of employment and the building has had a number of previous uses but has remained vacant for 26 years. The Committee saw photographs of the building and proposed plans, which included restoration of the central chimney, an amenity space, and parking area, as well as an open plan nature which reflected the previous use of hospital wards. There would be less than substantial harm to the listed building, however the public benefits could outweigh the harm.


The Planning Technical Support Officer read the written representations. The representations are attached as an appendix to these minutes.


Cllr Les Fry – Ward Member

Cllr Fry read a statement on behalf of himself and Cllr Canning, the Ward Members for Dorchester West. The Ward Members were against the application and urged the committee to refuse the application on the grounds of heritage and amenity, as well as preserving commercial areas to protect future jobs.


Members’ Questions and Comments

Members were invited to ask questions of the Senior Planning Officer. Questions related to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), air pollution, safety, and pedestrian routes. In response to questions, officers advised that:


·       The public benefits should be weighed against heritage harm

·       Roads have footways throughout the estate.

·       There are no residential properties surrounding the site

·       There are commercial buildings which could produce air pollution

·       There is a coach depot behind the building

·       Vibrations from passing traffic is not material to this case


After the opportunity for questions, Members discussed and debated the following points:


·       Noise and disturbance from industrial units

·       Amenity

·       The use of heritage assets and not allowing them to fall into disrepair

·       The effects of residential use on the building

·       Mixing commercial and residential uses


Proposed by Cllr Stella Jones and seconded by Cllr Cook that the application be refused.


There were an equal number of votes cast for and against the proposal, therefore the Chairman used her casting vote against the proposal. The vote was therefore not carried.


Proposed by Cllr Carole Jones and seconded by Cllr Ridout that the application be granted.


There were an equal number of votes cast for and against the proposal, therefore the Chairman used her casting vote for the proposal. The vote was carried, and the Committee were ‘minded to’ grant the application, subject to conditions.


The Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement, having considered the representation and the officer’s presentation and having taken into account the views of the committee, made the following decision under delegated authority: that the application be granted, subject to conditions.


Decision: That the application be granted, subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix attached to these minutes.



Supporting documents: