To receive an update of progress against the Police and Crime Plan Q2 2021/22, to enable Panel members to scrutinise performance, seek assurance and assess outcomes achieved in the reporting period.
Priority 1 - Cut Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour:
(00:12:40 on recording)
Leads - Cllr
Pete Barrow; Cllr May Haines.
Anti-Social Behaviour had been a
priority for the PCC, he had supported Dorset Police in launching Operation
Relentless together with the Operation Relentless community fund.
The PCC had
attended a proactive patrol as part of the Force’s summer
drink drive campaign and supported the action taken by Dorset Police against illegal and
unsafe e-scooter use.
Dorset Police had put designated leads
in place for each local policing area to enhance responses to pet theft.
Panel Members were invited to ask
questions of the PCC (00:15:10 on recording)
These focused on the ASB trend going
downwards which was welcome, however there were concerns that ASB problems were
being moved around rather than being tackled at source.
The PCC was keen to implement an
effective rehabilitation programme and as the National Lead for the Addiction
and substance misuse portfolio was working hard towards effective solutions to
tackle ASB
Road Safety improvements and how the PCC
planned to maintain and motivate Special Constables in the quieter/rural areas
was also discussed.
Priority 2 - Make Policing More Visible and
Connected: (00:22:13 on recording)
Lead – Ian McVie.
Engagement Commitments had been relaunched by Dorset Police, which had made use
of a revised Key Community Contacts (KCC) database.
had been agreed that Dorset Police will join the Single Online Home web
which had been adopted by the majority of forces in England and Wales.
Priority 3 - Fight Violent Crime and High Harm:
(00:28:15 on recording)
Lead – Cllr May Haines.
The PCC having put himself forward for the
APCC’s Addiction and Substance Misuse portfolio had continued to drive national
work with a focus on awareness of harmful gambling, effective rehabilitation
and education on the harms of taking recreational drugs. Drug dealing had been agreed as a regional priority
by all SW PCCs.
The PCC welcomed the HMICFRS child protection report, and would hold the Force to account for enacting the recommendations.
Operation Encompass, which had received OPCC funding, had facilitated the sharing of safeguarding information with more than 300 schools and the PCC was looking at rolling out to nurseries as well.
Panel Members were invited to ask questions
of the PCC (00:32:23 on recording).
These focused around domestic abuse incidents having risen and the reasons behind those figures which was attributed to a better reporting strategy and delivery plan and a higher awareness.
There was still work being undertaken to reduce knife crime, however Dorset was still a relatively safe county.
Following the recently passed Nationality and Borders Bill which could increase the problem of modern slavery ongoing updates were requested by the PCP members.
The PCC outlined his plans to reduce violence against women and girls (VAWG). (00:38:55 on recording) copy attached as an appendix to these minutes.
ACTION: an item to be added to the forward workplan for a deep dive into the issue of VAWG.
Cllr Taylor left the meeting at 10.40
Priority 4 - Fight Rural Crime: (00:44:00 on
Leads Cllr Les Fry; Cllr David
Rural crime had been highlighted to the PCC during his election campaign and he had announced an ambition to initially double the size of the Rural Crime Team and to significantly increase this further in the coming months and years.
The PCC and his office were working on County Watch and had made preparations to hold a Rural Crime Roundtable, work was in progress with the force to obtain more key indicators. This was a new area and there was still a lot of work in progress.
Panel Members were invited to ask questions
of the PCC (00:46:42 on recording).
These concerned the definitions of rural
Priority 5 - Put Victim and Communities First:
(00:48:42 on recording).
Lead - Cllr George Farquar.
The PCC wanted to look at the issue of hate crime – A Hate Crime Awareness course was being developed in conjunction with Prejudice Free Dorset –and plans for a Hate Crime Conference for 2022 were being discussed.
The PCC was keen to strengthen neighbourhood watches - In August, the PCC awarded a grant to the Association of Dorset Watches to help with the production and dissemination of a community safety booklet. He hoped to expand neighbourhood watch schemes.
The PCC and his office had made preparations to hold a Business Crime Roundtable, with attendees from a variety of business leads.
In advance of this meeting, the PCC had met with Dorset Business Improvement Districts and various business and retail representatives to inform them of his Police and Crime Plan.
Panel Members were invited to ask questions
of the PCC (00:51:08 on recording).
These focused on:
Communications with those people who were not connected to the digital world and how Neighbourhood Watch teams could help those without digital access.
How to address the spectrum of VAWG.
The risks in areas that did not have street lighting.
How the PCC would work to ensure Dorset received a fair share of the funding pot to tackle drug abuse and substance misuse.
Domestic Violence and causes.
The OPCC Director of Operations addressed the PCP members in relation to the PCC’s commissioning budget. (01:11:08).
It was expected to take 6 months before feedback on the Operation Relentless Community Fund initiatives could be presented to the PCP members.
ACTION: Programme a
deep dive into the whole spectrum of toxic masculinity and misogyny on the
forward plan.
6 - Make Every Penny Count: (01:27:30 on
– Mike Short.
In August, Scott Chilton was confirmed as the Chief Constable of Dorset Police, following a meeting of the Police and Crime Panel.
The PCC had received a briefing on the next year’s HMICFRS inspections activity which would give the Force a benchmark to work towards.
The PCC welcomed the government’s Beating Crime Plan, which set out a strategic ambition for cutting crime across England and Wales.
He observed that there was strong synergy between this document and his Police and Crime Plan for Dorset.
OPCC Chief Finance Officer presented the Q2 finance pages as at end sept, (01:31:09 on recording).
Overall, the OPCC Chief Finance Officer was comfortable with the finances, there had been extra costs due to the G7summit and COP26 (the United Nations Climate Change Conference) event resources, together with some ongoing impacts around IT contracts, extra fuel and energy costs.
Revenue General Reserves were still in the required 3-5% area.
The Chairman asked,
following the plans for a new Police HQ having been
announced for time-lines for the project and plans to “sell” the capital
project to the tax paying public. The
PCC’s response is attached in the appendix to these minutes. (01:37:41 on
item to be put on forward workplan for a deep dive to ensure the Dorset tax
payer gets value for money and research the suitability of having HQ at
11:33 Cllr Taylor re-joined the meeting
Supporting documents: