Agenda item

Application No: P/FUL/2021/02046 - Land at Park Farm, Access to Park Farm, Gillingham

Construct solar photovoltaic farm, battery storage and associated infrastructure, including inverters, batteries, substations, security cameras, fencing, access tracks and landscaping.


The Lead Project Officer presented the report which sought construction of a solar photovoltaic farm, battery storage and associated infrastructure, including inverters, batteries, substations, security cameras, fencing, access tracks and landscaping.

He drew the committee’s attention to an update sheet which is attached as an appendix to these minutes.

The Lead Project Officer presented the proposed site plan, the access route and photographs of the existing access point, which was considered sufficient for the construction traffic, together with proposed elevations, examples of proposed fencing and CCTV. The site was within the setting of several Scheduled Monuments, two areas of Ancient Woodland, and a dwelling identified as a non-designated heritage asset. It was also within Gillingham Forest Royal Deer Park, which was recorded as a non-designated heritage asset (monument). The visual and landscape impact pages 51-54 were highlighted. In his summary the Lead Project Officer weighed up the planning balance, he concluded that the development would offer significant environmental benefits. However, the location and large expanse of the site meant that the harmful impacts on the significance of designated and non-designated heritage assets, their setting within a valued rural landscape, and on associated public enjoyment of these heritage and landscape features as part of the Gillingham Royal Forest Project Area, were sufficiently adverse and significant to outweigh the public benefits of the proposal. The application was recommended for refusal.

The public representations were read and are attached as an appendix to these minutes.

Cllr Ridout as Ward Member for the area elected to take part in the debate as a committee member and not as Ward Member.

The committee were given the opportunity to ask questions of the Lead Project Officer. These focussed on the balancing act of the benefits against the harm of the application and the weight given to Dorset Council’s Ecological and Environmental Emergency Declaration. The Head of Planning advised that great weight had to be given to heritage and conservation, less than substantial harm still had great weight which needed to be considered. The NPPF clearly stated that valued landscape should be valued and enhanced.

Members were keen to stress that this was valued landscape with a number of scheduled monuments which had to be given great weight, residents were trying to conserve and develop the area. Housing had been approved nearby due to housing need, but it was felt that was where the development should end. The committee did not feel this was an appropriate site for a solar farm.

It was felt by some of the committee members that a site visit would have been appropriate and helpful.

Proposed by Cllr Clayton, seconded by Cllr Bartlett.

On being put to the vote, the proposal for a site visit was lost on the Chairman’s casting vote.

Proposed by Cllr Jespersen, seconded by Cllr Ridout. On being put to the vote the members were minded to approve the Officer’s recommendation to refuse the application.

Decision: The Head of Planning confirmed that he had been present during the meeting, had heard the debate and presentation and would make his decision in accordance with the committees minded to decision.


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