Agenda item

WP/20/00756/FUL - Waterside Holiday Park, Bowleaze Coveway, Weymouth, DT3 6PP

Extension and improvements to Waterside Holiday Park, comprising use of land for the siting of timber lodges for holiday use, outdoor recreation and play areas, associated access and parking, landscaping planting and infrastructure.


WP/20/00756/FUL - Waterside Holiday Park, Bowleaze Coveway, Weymouth, DT3 6PP


Cllr Louie O’Leary did not take part in the debate or vote on this application.


The Committee considered an application for the extension and improvements to Waterside Holiday Park, comprising use of land for the siting of timber lodges for holiday use, outdoor recreation and play areas, associated access and parking, landscaping planting and infrastructure.


The Senior Planning Officer referred to an update sheet circulated to the committee prior to the meeting containing an additional consultation response from the Economic Development Team and a third party comment.

The application was presented including an aerial photograph, location plan, site wide plan, proposed development plans, a Local Plan map showing the site within the setting of the AONB / Heritage Coast and site photos.

A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment had been submitted as part of this application and existing, 1 year and 10 year views were shown from different viewpoints.  Computer generated imagery provided by the applicant also showed the proposed lodges with parking and planting.

The key planning issues were highlighted including:-

·       Principle of development

·       Residential amenity

·       Visual amenity, setting of Heritage Coast and AONB

·       Heritage assets

·       Highway safety

·       Biodiversity

Some of the written submissions were read out by the Technical Support Officer.  All written submissions received were circulated to the committee prior to the meeting and are attached to these minutes.

Cllr Tony Ferrari addressed the Committee, as the relevant Ward Member for Weymouth Town Council and Dorset Council. He drew attention to damage to biodiversity integration, the narrow corridor created by the scheme that would be detrimental to wildlife and concerns associated with increased traffic along Bowleaze Coveway including parking.

In response to the issues raised during public participation, the Senior Planning Officer referred to the consultation response from Wessex Water contained in paragraph 8.16 of the report as well as comments by the Economic Development Team.  She confirmed that the proposed lodges would not be located near homes.

The Senior Planning Officer responded to technical questions, including the following points:-

·       That lodges fell under the definition of a caravan for the purposes of condition 11 and were for holiday use only;

·       That the proposed development did not impinge on any footpaths; and

·       That any upsizing of the commercial water supply would be subject to terms and conditions agreed between the applicant and Wessex Water.

It was noted that information relating to a new water tank recently installed at the park to help with the water supply problem had been circulated by the applicant in a separate briefing to members.

The Highways Officer confirmed that there was sufficient capacity in the road for two HGVs to pass one another with cars parked along the road.

Proposed by Cllr Bill Pipe, seconded by Cllr Susan Cocking.

The committee was minded to approve the application subject to conditions.


The Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement, having considered the representations and the officer’s presentation, and having taken into account the views of the committee, made the following decision under delegated authority.


Decision of the Service Manager: That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes.

Supporting documents: