To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital Assets.
Finance, Commercial & Capital Strategy Portfolio Holder presented the Budget strategy and medium-term
financial plan (MTFP). A copy of his
speech is attached as an appendix to these minutes.
Chairman invited the Group Leaders to present their replies to the budget
Ireland, Sutton and Fry presented their budget speeches which are attached as
appendices to these minutes.
sought re-assurance that borrowing debt would be controlled and discussed the
proposed Council Tax increase.
Generally, the feeling amongst members was that although they did not
want to raise Council Tax, the priority was to maintain services to the
communities they represented and safeguard residents.
Finance, Commercial & Capital Strategy Portfolio Holder was confident that
the budget was balanced but still encouraged prudence when committing reserves.
were appreciative of the officer work that had gone into producing the budget
and the opportunity of attending budget cafes, cross party working and input
from the Scrutiny Committees.
Cllr Flower presented his speech as seconder of the budget proposal. Attached as an appendix to the minutes
by Cllr Suttle, seconded by Cllr Flower.
In accordance with
procedure rule 19.6 a recorded vote was taken. Those who voted in favour of the
Cllrs: Adkins,
Alford, Andrews, Barrow, Bartlett, Batstone, Beer, Biggs, Brenton, Brooks,
Brown, Bryan, Carr-Jones, Christopher, Clayton, R. Cook, Coombs, Dunseith,
Ferrari, Flower, Fry, Gibson, Goringe, Gray, Hall, Harrison, Haynes, Heatley,
Holloway, Hughes, Jespersen, S Jones, C Jones, Kerby, Kimber, Lacey-Clarke, H
Legg, Lugg, Miller, Morgan, O’Leary, Orrell, Parker, Parkes, Parry, Penfold,
Pipe, Pothecary, Quale, Rennie, Roberts, Shortell, Somper, Starr, Suttle,
Sutton, Tooke, Trite, Wharf, Wheller and Williams.
Those who voted
against the recommendations:-
Cllrs: Canning, Ezzard, Hope, Ireland, Legg, Roe and Taylor.
Those who
Cllr Tarr
Following a
recorded vote, 61 for, 7 against and 1 abstention the recommendations were
(a) That the revenue budget summarised in
appendix 1, was agreed
(b) That the increase in general council tax
of 1.998% and 0.996% in the
social care precept, providing a band D
council tax figure for Dorset
Council of £1,832.67, an overall increase of
2.994%, was agreed.
(c) That no change to the current scheme of
Local Council Tax Support as set
out in the report, was agreed.
(d) That the
capital strategy set out in Appendix 3 and the capital programme
set out in Appendix
4, was agreed.
(e) That the
treasury management strategy as set out in Appendix 5, was
(f) That the
assumptions used to develop the budget strategy and medium term financial plan
(MTFP) as set out throughout the report and
summarised in
Appendix 6, was agreed
(g) That the
recommended balances on earmarked reserves and on general
funds, including
the minimum level of the general fund, was agreed
(h) That the
addition of £4.4m from the settlement into the contingency
budget, until there
is clarity around further costs of implementing national
reforms and as a
hedge against emerging cost pressures, was agreed
(i) That the
responses to the recommendations and comments made as part
of the budget
scrutiny process, was agreed
(j) That the
concern around the cumulative overspend on the High Needs
Block (HNB) and
more importantly, the impact that an unmitigated transfer
of this deficit to
the council will have on its financial position when the
instrument falls away, as currently scheduled, on 1 April 2023, was
Reason for
The Council was required
to set a balanced revenue budget, and to approve a level of council tax as an
integral part of this. A balanced budget was essentially one where all
expenditure was funded by income without unsustainable use of one-off, or
short-term sources of finance.
The Council was
also required to approve management strategy.
Supporting documents: