Please note:
Meetings of Appeals Committee are scheduled throughout the municipal year.
However, the meeting will not take place if there are no appeals to hear.
The Appeals
Committee’s main role is to determine any review and/or appeal that the Council
is required to undertake, including any appeal arising in connection to any
educational or discretionary grant/relief function of the Council.
The committee will
also consider an application for discharge from mental health guardianship,
application/potential revocation of any parking concession relating to a
disabled person whether there is any suggestion of misuse. Certain financial assessment disputes
relating to residential or nursing home accommodation
being provided to a person and a review of certain personal data issues can
also be determined by this committee.
The Appeals Committee will consist of 15
Members appointed by Full Council, but it is expected that no more than 5
members will sit at any one time to hear an appeal.
The quorum of the Appeals Committee shall be
3 Members.
There shall be no
power to appoint substitutes to the Appeals Committee.
Support officer: Megan Rochester. Email: / 01305 224709
Postal address:
County Hall
Colliton Park
Phone: 01305 221000