People and Health Overview Committee

Purpose of committee

Overview and scrutiny is a statutory activity of the Council, its powers and responsibilities are set out in detail the Council’s Constitution. The Council will appoint members to 2 Overview Committees and 2 Scrutiny Committees:


·         People and Health Overview Committee

·         People and Health Scrutiny Committee

·         Place and Resources Overview Committee

·         Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee


Each Overview and Scrutiny Committee will perform all those functions conferred on it by the Local Government Act 2000.


The Overview Committees shall:


·         Review and develop policy at their own initiative and at the request of the Cabinet.

·         Oversee major consultations and make recommendations to Cabinet and full Council.

·         Monitor performance of services in accordance with the targets in the Corporate Plan.

·         Provide a clear focus on finding efficiency savings in accordance with requirements in the Council’s financial strategy.

·         Monitor expenditure against available budgets and make recommendations to the Cabinet.

·         Make reports and recommendations to the full Council or the Cabinet on matters which affect the authority’s area or its inhabitants.


For information about public speaking, filming and how to get involved in committees, please see this page.


In the absence of any alternative joint arrangements having been entered into, the Overview Committee and the Scrutiny Committee with primary responsibilities for:


·         “People and Health” shall be the Council’s Overview Committee and the Council’s Scrutiny Committee for the purposes of fulfilling the Council’s statutory duties in relation to crime and disorder

·         “People and Health” shall be the Council’s Scrutiny Committee for the purposes of fulfilling the Council’s statutory powers in relation to health scrutiny

·         “People and Health” shall be the Council’s Overview Committee and its Scrutiny Committee for the performance of the Council’s statutory functions in relation to education matters.


Contact information

Support officer: George Dare. 01305 224185 - Email:

Postal address:
County Hall
Colliton Park

Phone: 01305 224185
