Harbours Advisory Committee

Purpose of committee

The Harbours Advisory Committee shall advise the Portfolio Holder, Highways, Travel and Environment in exercising functions of the Council as a harbour authority as defined in the Harbours Act 1964 and any other functions arising under any local Act and/or byelaw in respect of the operational issues for the harbour.


The Advisory Committee shall have the power to advise the Executive (Cabinet) in determining income and expenditure matters relating to the harbours for which it is responsible.


For documents relating to the former Harbours Committee, which was decommissioned in 2022 and replaced by the Harbours Advisory Committee, please visit Agenda papers of the Harbours Committee - decommissioned in 2022



Contact information

Support officer: Joshua Kennedy. Email: joshua.kennedy@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk

Email: joshua.kennedy@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk