Issue - decisions

**Statutory Data Returns

29/05/2020 - **Statutory Data Returns

Officer Delegated Decision


Date: 17 March 2020



In the absence of national guidance, teams are to be stood down from prioritising the completion of statutory annual data returns effective immediately.

The delegation for this decision is detailed within the Scheme of Delegation in the Council’s Constitution


Key Decision:



Reason(s) for Decisions:


The COVID-19 response has required many employees to be redeployed to support the response or to complete their normal role with increased levels of staff sickness. This may result in statutory returns not being prioritised for completion within normal timescales.




Decision Maker (Name and Title):


Matt Prosser, Chief Executive and Senior Leadership Team



Alternative options considered and rejected:


To complete statutory returns within normal timescales. This was rejected as it would negatively impact on our ability to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic including supporting vulnerable people and local businesses.




Any conflict of interest declared by any member consulted:






Any dispensation granted in respect of any declared conflict of interest:

