Issue - decisions

**Drivers and Passenger Transport

29/05/2020 - **Drivers and Passenger Transport

Officer Delegated Decision


Date: 23 March 2020



Drivers and passenger assistants to cease delivery of their services from end of day 23 March 2020.

The delegation for this decision is detailed within the Scheme of Delegation in the Council’s Constitution


Key Decision:


Reason(s) for Decisions:


Due to the lack of current PPE provision, this service cannot continue to safely function at this time.



Decision Maker (Name and Title):


Matthew Piles, Corporate Director for Economy and Infrastructure and Senior Leadership Team


Alternative options considered and rejected:


Alternative option is to continue the service delivery with limited or inadequate PPE which would cause significant risk to residents and staff.



Any conflict of interest declared by any member consulted:





Any dispensation granted in respect of any declared conflict of interest:

