Issue - decisions

**Registration of Deaths

29/05/2020 - **Registration of Deaths

Officer Delegated Decision


Date: 27 March 2020



Decision taken to begin registering deaths over the phone following the suspension of face-to-face registrations


The delegation for this decision is detailed within the Scheme of Delegation in the Council’s Constitution


Key Decision:


Reason(s) for Decisions:


This move to a digital registration option provides a non-contact solution to the registration of deaths and may be vital if Dorset experiences a high number of deaths as a result f the virus.


Decision Maker (Name and Title):


John Sellgren, Executive Director for Place and the Senior Leadership Team


Alternative options considered and rejected:


The suspension of death registration was considered not an option in addition to the completion in a fac-to-face environment.


Any conflict of interest declared by any member consulted:




Any dispensation granted in respect of any declared conflict of interest:

