Issue - decisions

Disposable Barbeque Prohibition of Use

02/07/2020 - Options for Prohibiting the Use of Disposable Barbeques



That working with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue and other partners Cabinet:-


(i)         Authorise officers to proceed with detailed work to establish an options paper that looks at both the legislative as well as other alternatives available to control or prohibit barbeques and other fire related activities relating to Dorset Council area.


(ii)        Continue to support, until any further formal measures are put in place, the ongoing publicity campaign throughout the summer months in conjunction with partners. This will include the continued use of targeted signage at certain locations as well as supporting a range of social media campaigns 


Reason for Recommendation:    


To protect:

·         Dorset’s habitat, ecology and wildlife

·         Human health

·         Dorset Council’s and private property

·         And to support the safety of Dorset’s emergency services and Dorset Council staff