Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth,
Assets and Property
(a) That
the Asset Transfer Policy relating to the transfer of Council owned property
assets of both Low and High Value to Town & Parish Councils together with
Voluntary and Community based (third sector) organisations, be agreed
(b) That
authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and
Property and the Portfolio Holder for Customer Services & Communities when
acting in agreement with each other the authority to determine and approve all
such transfers including those decisions that amount to key decisions.
Prior notice will be given in the
forward plan for any proposal relating to a transfer amounting to a key
decision albeit that the two portfolio holders are identified as the decision
makers instead of Cabinet.
Decision - Asset Transfer Policy - Dorset Council (wdwp.local)
Reason for the decision:
Dorset Council recognises that the devolution of assets to local communities, particularly to town and parish councils and voluntary and community based organisations (third sector) can make a significant contribution to enabling them to be stronger, more resilient and sustainable in order to support services within their local areas.