Issue - decisions

Officer delegation decision for procurement of Gigabit hub Connectivity in Rural Dorset (GHCiRD)

29/07/2021 - Officer delegation decision for procurement of Gigabit hub Connectivity in Rural Dorset (GHCiRD)

Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change


(a)  That the decision for contract award, following conclusion of the procurement process, be delegated to Cllr Peter Wharf as Portfolio Holder, after consultation with Aidan Dunn, Executive Director – Corporate Development.


(b)  That the decision to enter into the necessary subsequent grant agreements with Building Digital UK (BDUK), which is part of the Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sports (DCMS) to delivery this programme of activity, be agreed and delegated to Cllr Peter Wharf as Portfolio Holder, after consultation with Aidan Dunn, Executive Director – Corporate Development.


Decision - Officer delegated decision for procurement of Gigabit Hub Connectivity in Rural Dorset (GHCiRD - Dorset Council (wdwp.local)


Reason for the decision:

To enable the GHCiRD (BDUK) project to complete due diligence, grant agreement, contract award and finalisation which will facilitate the quickest possible deployment by December 2022