Issue - decisions

Social Mobility in Dorset

23/07/2021 - Social Mobility in Dorset

Delegated Decision of the Executive Director for Place


(a)  That the Economic Development Strategy approved by Cabinet on 28 July 2020, be welcomed and recognise the important part that the strategy will play in improving social mobility throughout Dorset.


(b)  The lead responsibilities of the Cabinet Member for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help, be noted and the Executive Director for Place in relation to economic development and for improving social mobility.


(c)  That a strategic alliance be formed with partners and community representatives to build upon the objectives of the Economic Development Strategy by co-producing a targeted plan to improve social mobility in Dorset, be agreed


(d)  That the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee undertake quarterly monitoring of progress towards achieving the objectives of the Economic Development Strategy and the plan to improve social mobility in Dorset as part of its ongoing performance management scrutiny responsibilities.