Issue - decisions

SEND Capital Strategy: Expansion of Beaucroft School

29/07/2021 - SEND Capital Strategy: Expansion of Beaucroft School

(a)  Support the use of the former Wimborne First School site, in School Lane Wimborne, to increase the capacity of Beaucroft School to create additional specialist provision for Dorset children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


(b)  That the budget allocation as set out in Appendix 3 to enable the project to be delivered, be approved and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for People – Children to enter into a construction contract at the appropriate time, in line with an existing delegation, subject to the outcome of the formal consultation process and provided the project is within the set budget level.


(c)  That the commencement of the required 4 week formal consultation period, in consultation with the Governors of Beaucroft School to formally expand the capacity of the Beaucroft Foundation School by more than 10% or 20 places, at the appropriate time, be agreed.


(d)  That a report will be brought back to Cabinet for a decision on the formal expansion of the school following the consultation process.


(e)  To lease the former Wimborne First School site to the Governors of Beaucroft School for use as post 16 provision on terms to be agreed by the Executive Director of Place, noting that further legal advice is being sought on this matter.