Issue - decisions

6/2020/0013, 17 dwellings at White Lovington, Bere Regis

29/07/2021 - 6/2020/0013, 17 dwellings at White Lovington, Bere Regis

In relation to application 6/2020/0013 for 17 dwellings at White Lovington, Bere Regis to agree to vary the tenure of affordable housing from the original proposal presented to Committee on 7 April 2021.

Proposal agreed by Committee anticipated 100% affordable rented (6 houses and a contribution)

Revised proposal is for 4 affordable rented, two affordable intermediate (shared ownership) and an unamended contribution.


Authority is provided by paragraph 151 which reads:

To undertake all action in connection with any proposal / application for the cancellation, revocation, deletion, modification and/or variation to any agreement, deed, undertaking and/or any other document entered into wholly or partly pursuant to any Town and Country Planning Legislation provided that such power does not extend to the approval of an application to modify, vary or revoke an agreement or planning obligation:

(a) imposed by an express decision of Planning Committee; and

(b) where in his/her opinion such approval would result in a material reduction of benefit to the community secured pursuant to such agreement or obligation (as the case may be).


In this case the decision to enter into the planning obligation was imposed by the express decision of the Planning Committee but this decision to vary the details of the obligation would not result in a material reduction of benefit to the community, as the total number of affordable units provided will remain the same (6 houses and a contribution).