Issue - decisions

Review of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

09/11/2021 - Review of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

That the following changes to the governance arrangements for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) be approved;


(a)  That Dorset Council uses the Infrastructure Funding Statement to update members on progress with developer contributions. The findings can also be reported in the quarterly finance reports.

(b)  That the principle of widening the scope of CIL spend beyond current geographical limits set by the charging areas is taken forward when Dorset Council adopt and implements a replacement single charging schedule across the Council.

(c)  That the infrastructure categories associated with habitat mitigation be removed from the scope of the next spending round.

(d)  That the categories and proportions for the remaining in-scope infrastructure be revisited following the completion of the next spending round.

(e)  That the measures to support “up front” engagement with town and parish councils including the measures to support greater awareness of developer contributions as set out in in the report to Cabinet 8 November 2021, be implanted as part of future spending rounds.