Issue - decisions

Building Better Lives - Purbeck Gateway

02/03/2022 - Purbeck Gateway



(a)           That the revised scope of the Purbeck Gateway Project be approved, with specific reference to taking the Middle School site in Wareham forward to procure the development of Housing.


(b)           Third-party public procurement be approved, as the preferred Delivery mechanism, and that the project team commence design of procurement approach in consultation with Legal Advisors and Procurement officers. The final approval of the procurement model be delegated to and authorised by the Corporate Director for Finance and Commercial.


(c)           That authority be delegated to the Executive Director for People (Adults) and the Executive Director for Corporate Development to make the decisions regarding the selection of potential preferred bidders and the final award of the Contract to the preferred bidder, in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Safety, and the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care & Health.


(d)           That the terms of the final land deal with Developers be agreed; and be subject to the advice of the Council’s solicitor and external legal advisers and shall be approved by the Executive Director for Place, and the Executive Director for Corporate Development.


Reason for the decision


The scope of the project has changed since the original Cabinet approval in 2019. This has taken account of changes in the need for housing with support and care in this area, and strengthened the emphasis on providing extra-care housing. It has been important to refresh the Business Case, be certain that what had been proposed was still relevant to local need, and make changes where necessary. The continuing need for these parts of the project have been evidenced and are considered to be financially and commercially viable