Issue - decisions

That the Swanage parish area in Dorset be designated a neighbourhood area

24/02/2022 - That the Swanage parish area in Dorset be designated a neighbourhood area

That the Swanage parish area in Dorset be designated a neighbourhood area.


Scheme of delegation


Under the Officer Scheme of Delegation (April 2019), the Executive Director of Place has the power to ‘make a final determination as to whether to designate a neighbourhood plan area and/or make such an area a business area’.


The Local Scheme of Nomination sets out which functions have been nominated by the Executive Director of Place and any conditions or limitations. This includes the power ‘to designate neighbourhood plan areas (where the Council must exercise its powers to designate the specified area applied for as a neighbourhood plan area) and neighbourhood forums’. The only condition/limitation is that the ‘Ward members and the relevant Portfolio Holder being informed’.