Issue - decisions

Quarter 1 2022/23 Financial Monitoring Report

27/07/2022 - Quarter 1 2022/23 Financial Monitoring Report

(a)  That the Senior Leadership Team’s forecast of the full year’s outturn for the Council, made at the end of Quarter 1, including progress of the transformational and tactical savings incorporated into the budget, be noted.


(b)  That the capital programme for 2022/23 including the slippage from previous years, and the work taking place to review this before the capital strategy for 2023/24 is developed, be noted.


(c)  That the opening position for the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) refresh and the budget timetable headlines be noted.


(d)  That the budget movements (virements) set out in the report to Cabinet of 26 July 2022, be agreed.


Reason for the decision

The Council has responsibilities to deliver within its corporate plan and it must do this within the resources made available through the revenue and capital budgets for 2022/23. The report summarised the Council’s forecast financial performance for the year at the end of the first quarter.