Issue - decisions

Home to School and Post 16 Transport Policies

27/07/2022 - Dorset Council School Transport Policies 2022-2023

(a)  The Home to School Transport Assistance Eligibility Policy for Children and Young People attending School 2022-2023 be approved and adopted, which includes a rise in the surplus seat price from £800 to £825.


(b)  The Dorset Post 16 Transport Support Policy for 2022-2023 which includes a rise in the surplus seat price from £800 to £825 be approved and adopted.


(c)  A schedule of increase of the Surplus Seat Cost in line with the prevailing Retail Price Index is implemented each year without the need to reconsult.


(d)  The Home to School Transport Assistance Eligibility Policy for Children and Young People attending School and Post 16 Transport Support Policy are re-consulted on only either when there is a significant change to the eligibility criteria; or where there are changes to the statutory guidance that would require significant change to either policy; or in October 2026 for the 2027-2028 policy – whichever is the earliest.


(e)  The Home to School and Post 16 Transport Policies be rewritten in plain English.



Reason for the decision


Dorset Council has a duty to provide Home to School Transport services to eligible pupils and to assist in supporting pupils attending Post 16 provision.