Issue - decisions

Wild Woodbury Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace

02/11/2022 - Wild Woodbury Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace

(a)           That Dorset Council enters into a funding agreement above £500,000 (£895,034) with Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) to deliver 12.5 hectares of strategic Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) for heathland mitigation.


(b)           That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Planning to enter into a contract funding agreement for DWT to deliver the Wild Woodbury SANG should be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Planning on terms to be recommended by the Executive Director of Place.


Reason for the decision


Cabinet was required to consider all key decisions with financial consequences of £500,000 or more. The project formed part of the Heathland Interim Mitigation Strategy for the emerging Purbeck Local Plan which was currently undergoing an examination into its soundness.


The project had been considered and approved by the Heathland Mitigation Steering Group which includes representatives from Natural England.