(1) That
the Senior Leadership Team’s forecast for Dorset Council’s position at the end
of quarter 1, be noted;
(2) That
the context around the budget that was
set for the year be noted;
(3) That
the impact that any overspend would have on reserves and the general fund be
(4) That
the work going into reviewing Dorset Council’s reserves and balances be noted;
(5) That
the approach to work to develop sustainability of the base budget position for
2020/21 and beyond be noted and
(6) That
the work going on around capital strategy and the capital programme and
financing be noted.
Reason for decision: To ensure support and/or challenge
for actions being taken in 2019/20 to balance the budget and consider the
adequacy and use of reserves and to support transition and convergence. 2019/20 is a critical year for establishing
the base budget for Dorset Council to enable an accurate, medium-term financial
plan to be delivered alongside a longer-term, sustainable financial strategy.