Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care - Reablement Hubs

26/07/2023 - Adult Social Care, Reablement Centre (Bed-Based Care)

(a)           That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of People - Adults & Housing, Executive Director of Corporate Development and the Portfolio Holder for Adults, Health & Housing, and the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital Strategy to finalise negotiations with NHS partners to secure the Dorchester County Hospital site for the first centre.


(b)           That the procurement of a design partner to develop detailed plans and costings for the Dorchester Reablement Centre, be approve, and to present back to Cabinet for the delegated authority to approve the required capital commitment to deliver the build stages of the project.


(c)           That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of People – Adults & Housing and the Executive Director of Corporate Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adults, Health & Housing, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital Strategy and the Portfolio Holder for Assets and Property to commence the design of the scheme.


Reason for the decision


To receive a report on progress of the Reablement Centre Project and give approval for the commencement of work on the design of the first centre which would be located in Dorchester.