Issue - decisions

Stour Valley

06/09/2023 - The Stour Valley - Strategy and Memorandum of understanding

(a)    That the Stour Valley strategy be endorsed, and that Cabinet supports it being included in the Dorset Council Local Plan.


(b)    Using a Memorandum of Understanding between its core partners of The National Trust, BCP Council and Dorset Council, that the Stour Valley partnership model be approved.


(c)    That core partners developing fund-raising bids to external grant bodies to assist delivery of the Stour Valley objectives, specifically DEFRA’s Landscape Recovery Fund, be supported.


(d)    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment, for future decision making in relation to this project.


Reason for the decision


Adopting the partnership model provides continued governance and oversight of the project and ensures on-going delivery of the key aims and objectives. It also provides a strong platform to submit funding bids that will lead to more targeted delivery.