That the Portfolio
Holder for People – Adult Social Care, Housing and Health resolves to make,
seek confirmation of and implement a compulsory purchase order (CPO) pursuant
to s226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Acquisition of
Land Act 1981 and all other enabling powers in relation to 19 Southview Road,
Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 0JE which is shown edged red on the plan attached at
Appendix 1, for the purposes of improvement of the land.
That the Portfolio
Holder for People – Adult Social Care, Housing and Health resolves that the
Council seeks to acquire the land whether by compulsorily using the statutory
powers or by voluntary agreement pursuant to original Executive Decision of the 24 August 2022
That the Portfolio
Holder for People – Adult Social Care, Housing and Health delegates authority
to the Corporate Director for Housing and Community Safety to:
1. To take all necessary steps to secure the
preparation, making, and submission to the Secretary of State for confirmation
and implementation of the CPO including (but not limited to); the publication
and service of all statutory notices;
the investigation of and response to objections (including the negotiation and
completion of any necessary agreement and undertaking in order to secure the
removal of objections to the CPO); and the presentation of the Council's case
at any public inquiry or via written representations and all other associated
procedural steps .
acquire the Property whether by voluntary agreement or compulsorily using the
statutory powers section 226(1)(a) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and
Acquisition of Land Act 1981.
determine the form and contents of the CPO and the statement of reasons
accompanying the CPO and to finalise the same.
all appropriate actions for making amendments, modifications and deletions to
the CPO and plan including updates and corrections to the draft as necessary to
finalise and secure confirmation of the CPO.
and serve any warrants to obtain possession of the Property once acquired
following execution of a General Vesting Declaration or service of a Notice of
Entry if it is necessary to obtain vacant possession.
or abandon the CPO proceedings or withdraw the CPO in relation to all or part
of the Property.
necessary action to deal with all matters relating to the payment of statutory
compensation including, where required, instituting, or defending proceedings.
all other necessary action to give effect to these recommendations