Issue - decisions

To agree a review of the Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with Persimmon Homes Ltd (the developer) relating to the proposed development of 502 dwellings and associated infrastructure at land east of Chickerell (application WD/D/20/002569).

19/09/2023 - To agree a review of the Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with Persimmon Homes Ltd (the developer) relating to the proposed development of 502 dwellings and associated infrastructure at land east of Chickerell (application WD/D/20/002569).

Approved to agree a review of the Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with Persimmon Homes Ltd (the developer) relating to the proposed development of 502 dwellings and associated infrastructure at land east of Chickerell (application WD/D/20/002569).


The decision to agree the review of the PPA is taken under delegated powers, as set out in paragraph 136 of the Officer Scheme of Delegation. Paragraph 136 provides delegated powers to “undertake all action in respect of administering / processing any application under 

any of the Town and Country Planning Legislation, including “(n) enter into planning performance agreements. The Local Scheme of Nomination for Planning Services includes delegation of these powers to the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement.