That the recommendations of the Grid
Capacity Task & Finish Group, set out within section 4 of the cover report
to the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee of 26 February 2024, on the council’s
future approach to the strategic risks and opportunities regarding the
electricity network, be approved, subject to the following:
in respect of recommendation 6, MPs be invited to a meeting to enable
councillors and officers to directly brief them on the issues and difficulties
faced with the grid infrastructure and the issues raised during the review.
an additional recommendation (7) be included – That the Place and Resources
Scrutiny Committee monitor grid provision in Dorset and associated issues
including emerging policy and regulatory reform, on an annual basis.
a councillor webinar be provided post May 2024 regarding grid capacity,
including technologies and the future impact on planning and energy provision.
a councillor site visit be arranged post May 2024 to Canford Renewable Energy.
Reason for the decision
ensure that the council was best placed to mitigate the risks and exploit the
opportunities associated with the future of the electricity grid.