That Council’s
commitment and ambition to achieve the outcomes set out within the Memorandum
of Understanding agreed with the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and
Communities (DHLUC), be confirmed.
That ‘A Vision for Weymouth Harbour and
Peninsula’ be used to guide progress of the Council’s activities in
regenerating Weymouth, be agreed.
That the development and commencement of a
procurement process to obtain a development partner for North Quay in
compliance with the relevant applicable public procurement regulations, be
That the Harbour Advisory Committee be invited
to consider and make recommendations regarding how the Levelling Up Fund
commitments for the Peninsula site could be delivered in a manner compatible
with the Council’s duties as statutory harbour authority and securing the
success and future viability of the harbour, including consideration of the
potential approach to a new Harbour Revision Order.
That authority to seek a development partner for
Weymouth Bowl in the most appropriate way, be granted.
That the procurement of the necessary
engineering, materials and consultancy services, and a construction contractor
for walls F and G on the Peninsula be authorised and that authority be
delegated to the Executive Lead for Place in consultation with the Executive
Director Corporate Development and the Portfolio Holder for Highways Travel and
Environment to award necessary contracts subject to the appropriate budget
being identified and allocated.