Issue - decisions

Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre

12/09/2024 - Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre


(a)      That the contents of the report be noted.


(b)      That, Cabinet notes that the Council already contributed £276,160 towards condition works prior to 31 March 2024 and a further £604,407 had been provided to the Trust as part of the exit arrangements, to be spent by March 2025


(c)       That, Cabinet notes that as the Council had no legal interest in the leisure centre, the future use of the facility was a matter for the Trust to determine.


(d)       That, Cabinet agreed to progress and accelerate the Leisure Strategy to ensure there was a strategic and informed approach to leisure provision which would deliver the Council priorities of building stronger and healthier communities


(e)       Cabinet agreed that, in the event that the trust brings the swimming pool back into operation, to use reasonable endeavours to work with the trust and community groups to identify ways in which the pool can be made available for school and community group usage. 


(f)         Recognising that realistic, affordable solutions were available to facilitate public use of the leisure centre, Cabinet committed to providing reasonable officer support to the trust to assist them in achieving that outcome. 

Reason for the decision

The council was in the process of developing a new leisure strategy that would enable it to consider and adopt a more strategic and informed approach to the way it operated its leisure facilities and services.


The council did not own the Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre and its leisure spend across the East Dorset area was considerably higher than other areas of Dorset Council. A key aim of the leisure strategy would be to address this issue.


Feedback from local swim groups had highlighted the value of the swimming pool at QELC and the importance of being able to access it. This included Wimborne Wagtails Swimming Club for the Disabled, who for 30 years had provided swimming sessions to a diverse group of disabled swimmers of all ages with physical, learning and hidden disabilities. 


Dorset Council had contributed funds to enable improvements to the swimming pool air handling system, pool plant, pool hall roof and wet side changing areas. The trust had stated that the pool air handling and roof works were being looked at and being worked towards. They already had experience of operating a local school swimming pool with school and community group use and had suggested a similar model for QELC. This could complement the other sports facilities which were currently being made available for school and community club use. Dorset Council would be fully supportive of this proposal.