Issue - decisions

Consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system

12/09/2024 - Consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system



That the response to the consultation questions, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report to Cabinet – 10 September 2024, be submitted to Government by the 24 September deadline. The suggested responses included support for many of the proposals, but concern about the effects of the increased housing targets for Dorset.


Reason for the decision


The proposed changes could support the council’s strategic priorities of driving economic prosperity and creating sustainable development and housing, but the significant increase in housing targets was likely to conflict with the aim of protecting the natural environment, climate and ecology, due to the environmental constraints of Dorset.


Introducing new targets so quickly would result in much development taking place as a result of the “presumption in favour of sustainable development” rather than through the more strategic plan-led approach.