That the Equality,
Diversity and Inclusion Policy be adopted subject to the following amendments:-
the sentence "the council ... policies" in paragraph 9.1 of the
report be replaced by "The policy will be reviewed on a regular basis by the
relevant portfolio holder and will be taken through the committee process every
three years to ensure that it reflects
the latest legalisation, best practice and other council policies."
the term "local characteristics" be changed to "Dorset Council's
protected characteristics".
a minimum of one key performance indicator be developed for equality and
diversity once the Council Plan is finalised.
Reason for Decision
The Equality,
Diversity & Inclusion Policy would ensure that the Council was delivering
services fairly and meeting the needs of Dorset communities whilst also being a
fair and inclusive employer.
The policy would
ensure that the Council was meeting its statutory duties as contained in the
Equality Act 2010.